[Des Walsh Update] New LinkedIn Program, a Web Nugget & Blog Post Links

Published: Mon, 10/21/13

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In this issue:

  • Finally, launching my LinkedIn group coaching program
  • New feature - Web Nugget (from my collection of favourite links)
  • Links to select posts from my blog

But before I go on, I want to thank you most warmly for opening this email. We all get bombarded with messages these days and I freely admit I have been doing some bombarding lately. Circumstances I don't expect to see repeated for a while.

Precisely because we are all so time-poor I do value your readership and I want to honour your attention by providing useful, interesting content. Let me know when I fall down on that: I can take it (I hope!).   

Turbo-charge Your LinkedIn Presence in Just 14 Days

This time last year I was gearing up to launch the 30 Day Linking Blitz program (#30DLB) - which is a free service and one a lot of people have found helpful for their business. 

Since then, I have been asked by various people whether I would be providing something which was more of a coaching program and not as reliant on self-help as #30DLB. 

My answer for a while was a tentative Yes.

Now, finally, one year and three "Blitzes" later, I am launching this week my new Linked Intensivea 14 day program, delivered wholly online, for participants to turbo-charge their presence, reach, engagement and influence on LinkedIn. Starts November 4.

I'm not expecting to get much (make that any) free time for those couple of weeks, but I'm really looking forward to it.  For anyone who has done the 30 Day Linking Blitz, I can say this will be #30DLB on steroids! For those who haven't, think sometimes frustrating but ultimately rewarding experience.

Compared to #30DLB, Linked Intensive will be a lot more "hands-on" by me, with:

  • daily email, each day on a separate aspect of LinkedIn
  • resources including checklists, how-to videos, tracking tools
  • online seminars, Q&A sessions
  • my personal coaching support (maximum number of participants 30)
You can read all the details - and sign up if you like what you see - at the program page on my website. Just click here for Linked Intensive.

Importantly, there is an Early Bird price which is a significant discount on the full price: the Early Bird goes away next Sunday night Oct 27. 

But wait, there's more! :)   A special, personal coaching bonus for each of the first 10 signups - 1 has already gone so then there were 9.

A free teleseminar

As a bit of a warm-up for Linked Intensive and an opportunity for people to ask questions about the Intensive, I'm giving a teleseminar this week, with the topic "LinkedIn Has Changed - How That Can Help, or Hinder, Your Business". Thursday, Oct 24, 5pm US Pacific time. All the details, including details of dates and times globally, how to call in etc, at this Teleseminars link   It will be recorded and if you have a question and the time doesn't suit, shoot me an email with your question and I will do my best to answer it: deswalsh@webartsco.com  

Web Nugget (new feature)

Spending as much time on line as I do, I find interesting items every day. So in this and future issues of my Update I will be sharing some of those. The first is about Twitter.

This is Why Nobody Follows You on Twitter

A bit tongue-in-cheek, e.g. why not to call yourself a "social media guru" (I don't, by the way!), but overall some really good advice on what not to do with Twitter.

Select Blog Posts (new feature)

I've always avoided the "newsletter as recycled blog posts" idea, but I thought some readers might like me to share the occasional link from my blog. This one is a review of the most eye-opening book I have read this year. The short description below might make it sound more "techie" than it is. Believe me, and I'm not a techie, it is a page-turner and a hard-to-put-down-er.

Age of Context: New Book by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel

My review of a new book that provides a lively, informative account of, and insight into, the contemporary and growing convergence of mobile and cloud technologies.

To your success!
