last chance to work with me on personally on Linking Edge Intensive

Published: Thu, 01/30/14

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This morning, walking on the beach as I do most days, I had a "something's got to give" moment. 

Not about the beach. That was fine.

But about all the things I've already taken on to do this year - and it's not even February yet. 

And about how I coach people to be really clear and focused in their business and wondering how I got a bit less than focused myself. 

And how an extra 8-10 hours a day would not go amiss!

Can you relate to that?

So after my morning swim and breakfast I sat down to look at my commitments and figure out what had to change.

And the most immediate thing that presented itself was the double challenge I had set for myself over Feb-March, namely to run my 14 day Linking Edge Intensive and then move immediately into the (delightful but absorbing) exercise of the 30 Day Linking Blitz. 

And that's just for starters.

I love both of these programs about LinkedIn, especially as more and more people are contacting me to help them with their LinkedIn presence and influence. 

But, as I say, something has to give. And I didn't want it to be the 30 Day Linking Blitz, which I know a lot of people (including me) look forward to.

So as my first effort at restoring some balance, and what I decided I should write you about now, is that the next Linking Edge Intensive, which starts next Monday February 3, will be the last time I will do this live and in person

I may put together a version of it that people can do privately, under their own steam, but not the full-on version which starts next week, with daily, personal involvement by me over the 14 day period.

Why have I chosen to do this? Well, not to bore you with all the details, but I am getting more requests to work with people, as a coach and/or social media specialist/LinkedIn expert, working on a one-on-one basis, which I love, and I want to make time to be able to do more of that.

Which means this will be the last time people doing the Linking Edge Intensive will be able to do it working with me personally and with my personal guidance and coaching as part of the deal.

, I know what I'm offering will not be for everyone (which is just as well, probably, or I would likely fall over, some time into the 14 days, given how much time I commit to making sure everyone gets their questions answered and problems solved!). 

But it is for those who want to get serious now about their LinkedIn effectiveness and who would like that at a very manageable price for anyone in business (I know coaches who charge as much and more for a one hour coaching session as I'm asking for this two week commitment).

Basically, this offering is for anyone who has procrastinated about LinkedIn and is now prepared to focus over just 2 weeks to get up to speed and know they are in control and know how to use LinkedIn effectively to help grow their business.

If you want to know more - and, as I say, I know it's not for everyone - check out the Linking Edge Intensive page on my website with the info and how to register.

And if you want to talk to me personally to see if this is for you, why not do that? No pressure! 

By phone in Australia that's 0413 089 355 or internationally +61 413 089 355 (check Sydney time on Time and Date before you call please - I am useless on a 2 am call from the US!). or email me at deswalsh@webartsco to set up a time for us to talk on Skype. 

I'm wondering if I'm a bit mad inviting everyone to call me. I'm pretty sure some people I know would say that anyway, even without the invitations to call. 

But a phone call I had this morning about the program reminded me that however much info I try to provide on a website, each person has her or his own special questions. So I am bracing myself (happily) for the calls! :)

You know that LinkedIn is growing - rapidly, 2 new signups per second! You know that just about everyone who is in business and isn't on it yet will probably be there soon. So I won't take up any more of your time doing my LinkedIn spiel.

If this interests you, then it's over to you to take the next step.

Or you might like to forward this to someone you feel could benefit from my personal LinkedIn coaching and support over a 2 week period.

Thanks for your attention. I wish you a very successful year, on LinkedIn and everywhere you play the business game!
