[Social Business Bites] Social Media & Weekends, Free Quality Images, Google+ Communities, and More

Published: Thu, 05/15/14

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Here is your latest issue of Social Business Bites. 4 items this week, including a kind of a selfie:

  • Social (media) doesn't take weekends off
  • 53 sites for free images for your blog and other social media
  • Why (smart) businesses will use Google+ Communities this year
  • Social Business Bites selfie - subscribers down, open rate up


Social Doesn't Take Weekends Off

Short linkhttp://bit.ly/1mxZsNj

One weekend I checked into the Facebook page of a particular service provider. I noticed that although during the week they maintained a very active and responsive presence on social media, they seemed to have taken the weekend off. Complaints were mounting and the complainers were reinforcing one another with "me too" and "that's nothing, my experience was..." type of comments.

Then I checked with their main competitor. Someone was on the case, dealing with comments promptly and professionally. Chalk and cheese.

"Oh no!" some will be thinking/saying. "Don't tell me I have to be on call on the weekend too!".

It need not be so bad. This post offers some practical and manageable suggestions as to how you can stay engaged with your clients and broader market, without it having to ruin your weekend. 

53+ Free Image Sources For Your Blog and Social Media Posts

Short linkhttp://bit.ly/1jO61Lt

Experts have been saying for years that using good images is a key part of success for bloggers and others marketing their goods and services on social media. But if you are not in fashion or the food business or cars, or other businesses that have lots of good images, what do you do?

You can shoot your own, if you have the time, equipment and skill. Or you can pay for stock photos.

Or if those options are impractical or unappealing, you can access free resources, such as those listed in this post.

Helpfully, the post links to a related post on another site, where the legal issues and pitfalls around copyright are canvassed. (Image) user beware!

10 Reasons Businesses Will Start Using Google+ Communities in 2014

Short linkhttp://bit.ly/RHj9qt

Even among social media specialists and other enthusiasts, not everyone is a fan of Google Plus (Google+). And for a lot of business people I talk with, it doesn't seem to be even on their radar as something to investigate, let alone get seriously engaged with.

Which means they probably don't get to participate in Google+ Communities. And that could mean they are missing out on business opportunities. 

In this post, Google+ expert Martin Shervington argues persuasively for giving Google+ Communities a significant role in our social media strategies. It's clear, practical, to the point, and illustrated with helpful screenshots.

Newsletter Subscribers Down, Open Rate Up

Short linkhttp://bit.ly/1lvYe19

This item is no doubt a bit of a selfie for Social Business Bites, but people interested in the business of sending newsletters may find it of interest and hopefully leave me some comments. 

Having sent nine of the new format newsletters now, not including this one, I thought it was time to see how the subscription rate was going. As the subject line for this post shows, it's good and bad (or not so good). The not so good bit is that a number of people have unsubscribed. I don't mind that - who wants to have a list with people who don't want what is being sent? But I do want to get moving on attracting more subscribers.

The good bit is that, percentage-wise, there is an increased rate of people opening the messages.

Anyway, if you have suggestions or requests as to how I can make this weekly missive more useful or interesting for you, please let me know - email is deswalsh@webartsco.com And if you enjoy Social Business Bites, and feel in a sharing mood, here with my thanks is advance is the link for sharing: http://deswalsh.com/social-business-bites 


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link (there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

PPSMy VIP Days are for any business owner or entrepreneur who sees value in having my undivided attention for a whole day (or half day) to focus just on his or her business, with a special emphasis on the integration and optimisation of social media with the overall business strategy. Using a video connection means you don't have to travel. And yes, of course a special rate for any reader of Social Business Bites! :)

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Email: deswalsh@webartsco.com
