[Social Business Bites] Facebook Groups to Build Business; Turn Negative Social Buzz Around; New LinkedIn Membership Opt

Published: Thu, 06/05/14

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Here is your latest issue of Social Business Bites. 3 items this week:

  • Facebook Groups to Build Your Business
  • Using Social Media to Turn Negative Buzz Around
  • New LinkedIn Membership Option to Help You Stand Out from the Crowd


How to Use Facebook Groups to Build Your Business

Short linkhttp://bit.ly/1j0vYmO

I haven't used Facebook Groups to help build my business, but I must confess that after reading this post on the always interesting Social Media Examiner site, I have been reconsidering.

There is a lot to be said for using a platform used by so many of one's current and prospective clients, who are familiar with how it works and for the most part will not have a problem in connecting there. As compared with, say, Google Plus Communities, which I like, but is unknown territory for so many (let's face it, a lot of our clients would not even know about Google Plus!).

The article has 7 practical steps for building your business with a Facebook group. Worth the read and worth bookmarking even if you are not persuaded that you need this now.

Because We're Happy: Using Social Media to Turn Audiences Around

Short linkhttp://onforb.es/1l7PnGC

Companies, like celebrities and politicians, ignore at their peril the potential of social media to amplify gaffes and intensify public ridicule, or worse. Ignoring social media is not a solution. What to do? This article from the Forbes site draws some lessons for how McDonalds handled a recent brouhaha. 

If you were otherwise engaged in recent weeks, you might not have noticed the launch of McDonald's new "Happy" mascot, with the hashtag #HappyMeals. This was designed to encourage children to eat the new healthy "Happy Meals". 

Many thought it would scare them witless.

The Forbes article has an interesting and helpful explanation of the several tiers of the socialmediasphere and how they need to be viewed and responded to differently. 

It illustrates how McDonalds, by responding in a social media savvy way, was able to reduce an apparent marketing fiasco into a storm in a paper cup. 

Yesterday's news.

Stand Out with the New LinkedIn Premium Experience

Short linkhttp://linkd.in/1hdCQBV

If you have a LinkedIn Premium (i.e. paid) account, you may have seen already that the layout of your LinkedIn profile has changed.  This article from LinkedIn explains what has been done and promises that the same functionality will be available in due course for the rest of the membership.

It also covers the new "Spotlight" membership, which is US $8 a month if paid annually. That's about the same price as I was paying for several years for the "Personal Plus" membership which for whatever reason LinkedIn did not make obviously available and became quite tricky to find.

A related article by Christian Moritz teases this story out a bit more and includes a chart showing what you get for the various premium memberships as compared with the free. 


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


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PPSMy VIP Days are for any business owner or entrepreneur who sees value in having my undivided attention for a whole day to focus just on his or her business, with a special emphasis on the integration and optimisation of social media with the overall business strategy. Using a video connection means you don't have to travel. And yes, of course a special rate for any reader of Social Business Bites! :)

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