[Des Walsh - SBB] 50 Top Social Influencers | Malaysia Airlines' Social Strategy | Social Media Stats Infographic

Published: Wed, 08/13/14

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3 Fresh, Juicy Bites this week 

(quotes from the items listed are in italics)

  • 50 Top Social Influencers
  • Malaysia Airlines Leans on Social Media After Twin Tragedies
  • Social Media Infographic Template - 2014 Social Media Stats
Note: I was providing short links for the items listed each week, but that triggered spam alerts. Hence the long URLs. As the Bite titles are hyperlinked to the relevant posts, so you can click through directly from the item title, the separate, standalone URLs are not actually essential, and some are unwieldy in their length, but I'm putting them in for those who might like to have the actual URL in the open, so to speak.


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link



50 Top Social Influencers - Joel Comm


With this post from social media expert Joel Comm, I've toned down the actual title of this post - the original claims this list as being of The World's top social influencers for 2014, whereas when you read the post you find Joel is sardonic, to say the least, about the validity and usefulness of such lists, but has decided to go ahead with his list.

He says: My answer to all the craziness is to provide the definitive list of the Top 50 Social Influencers in the World for 2014. Well, in MY world anyhow. 

So take the original title with a smidgin of salt

That said, it's valuable to know who the people are in such a list from a person with the sort of profile Joel Comm has in the online/social media world. Because we can save ourselves a lot of time in finding influencers ourselves. 

So by sorting through Joel's list and similar lists we can identify people to follow, with the aim of building our own relationship networks, with them and/or with their circles of influence.

I don't know all the people on Joel's list but I recommend you check out at least the following who I know personally and respect or know by observation and/or reputation (post has names linked to their Facebook profiles or pages): Dave Taylor, Warren Whitlock, Kim Garst, Robert Scoble, Ted Rubin, Viveka von Rosen, Michael Stelzner, Mari Smith, Carrie Wilkerson, Lewis Howes and Deb Cole. All good people.

And of course you may find others in the list whose sphere of influence could be right in line with your marketing objectives.

Daniel Lefferts

Given recent tragedies, it's not surprising that beleagured Malaysian Airlines is running a brand rebuilding strategy, which may even include a rebranding.

What interested me about this story is that where some companies with such brand problems would adopt a very defensive, closed circuit PR strategy, Malaysia Airlines are going on the front foot in using social media to build brand support - especially via Facebook and Twitter. 

Not all the comments they are getting are complimentary, but two things struck me:

In the comment streams on Facebook, a) there are a lot of messages encouraging the airline to "keep its chin up", so to speak, and b) the fans themselves are being critical of the trolls and other sharers of negative comments. I'd say that on balance, and considering the notoriety they have had to experience, they are doing ok in the social mediasphere.

Worth the read if you wonder at all about damage control, reputation management and social media.

Mantas Malukas

I don't know about you, but I have to say some infographics leave me cold - especially when they are just prettying up some fairly simple sets of data that could in a simple text and numbers format be scanned and comprehended fairly easily and quickly. Then there are the ones that are overwhelming and/or confusing because they have crammed so much data into the pictures.

Some infographics on the other hand help us to see relatively complex data displayed in such a way as to help us get greater clarity about the field they are covering. Such as this excellent infographic from Techinfographics.

if you like the infographic you might also want to download the template which will allow you to re-use the elements via PowerPoint or Keynote - download costs $4.00 (I haven't tried it yet).

This PowerPoint template can be used to present variety of presentations especially for social media, perfect for personal or company business. Every single element use fully editable objects to make you easier to change color, size, etc (directly from PowerPoint!). Chart values can be changed using Microsoft Excel sheet, which makes customization even easier!



Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PS: I've made a short video (2m 31s) to explain succinctly my VIP Days for Social Business Strategy. And it points to where people can get more  info. If you know a business owner who is looking for guidance on social media and you would like to share the link (after you have watched the video, of course), I would be most grateful. Comments/questions welcome: here is the link http://youtu.be/MycI9-FNtoo

PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link (there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

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Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Email: deswalsh@webartsco.com
