[Des Walsh - SBB] Physicians & Social Media | Successful Content Marketing | CEOs go Social

Published: Fri, 10/24/14

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3 Fresh, Juicy Bites this week 

  • Is your doctor using social media and does that help you?
  • Valuable tips for successful content marketing
  • Why your CEO should be a social CEO

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


This Week's Bites

How are Physicians using Social Media? by Rob Silas

Short link: http://ow.ly/DgfsM

Tried telling your doctor lately that you've learned something medical from the Internet? did you find that challenging? 

Or - probably even more challenging - from social media?

The most common response I've had from sharing such gems is a blank stare, which I've taken to mean either "You're mad to be relying on such fundamentally unreliable information sources" or "I'm the doctor here and I don't want you coming in here with that sort of commentary."

In other words, not a lot of positive, encouraging response. Which I find disappointing.

So I was very interested to read the results of this survey and look at the illustrative graph.

The message of the article is summed up from the outset:

As physicians increase their use of social media, they use it in ways that benefit their patients as well as their practices. Physicians are recognizing the opportunities they have to engage with a variety of audiences: patients, prospective patients, other doctors, health care thought leaders, etc.

How to Achieve Content Marketing Success: New Research  by Patricia Redsicker

Short link: http://ow.ly/DgfFu

Good tips and a couple of very informative graphics.

4 good tips

1. Have a documented content marketing strategy

Fifty-four percent of the most effective B2B marketers have a documented content strategy...

2. Be a content machine

When asked, “How often does your organization publish new content that supports its marketing program?”, an average of 42% said either daily or multiple times per week.

3. Invest heavily in social media

Ninety-two percent of B2B marketers use social media more than any other tactic.

...LinkedIn is both the most popular platform (with 94% of B2B marketers using it) and the most effective for content promotion, according to 63% of marketers. 

4. Prioritize engagement

Marketers who have a documented strategy are less likely (45%) to struggle with engagement than those who have a verbal strategy (57%) or no strategy at all (70%).

Reasons Why Your CEO Should Be On Social Media  by Douglas Karr

Short link: http://ow.ly/DgfPl

I have great respect for Doug Karr, especially for his knowledge of social media and for his balance. So I was struck by the forcefulness of his opening paragraph in this post. His views on this topic are not shared universally among social media specialists, but I believe he makes a strong case,

Did you know that only 1 out of 5 CEOs has even opened a social media account? In my opinion, that’s absolutely pitiful given that the core competency of virtually any executive nowadays should be their ability to communicate with prospects, customers, employees, and investors. Social media provides an amazingly efficient means to communicate the vision and leadership you want customers to see, your employees to love, and your investors to have faith in!

He shares an infographic with fascinating statistics about the success being enjoyed by "social CEOs".


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PS: Speaking of CEOs and social, I'm getting more enquiries from business owners and C-level executives about help with personal branding via social media, especially with LinkedIn. I love this work - it's such a privilege to be able to help leaders develop their "social brand". I provide a no-strings, free 30 minute consultation to see if we can work together effectively. If you know someone who is looking for that sort of a personal branding boost, I'd be happy to talk with them. No hard sell. Just tell them to email me at des@deswalsh.com

PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link (there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

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Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Email: deswalsh@webartsco.com
