[Des Walsh - SBB] Biggest Social Media Risk | Doing More with Pinterest | LinkedIn Ads | & an Extra Item

Published: Thu, 11/06/14

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3 Fresh, Juicy Bites this week 

  • Your biggest social media risk
  • Using Pinterest for Videos, SlideShares & Podcasts
  • Guide to LinkedIn Ads
And One More Thing - a new-look LinkedIn Group

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


This Week's Bites

Your Biggest Social Media Risk: Not Doing Anything About Social Employees  Jesse Mawhinney

Short linkhttp://ow.ly/DWVfB

These two paragraphs give the gist, but the whole post is worth reading:

People have always talked about their employers, and they always will. Social media is just a new medium for the same old dialogue. Your employees, particularly if they are Millennials, are already talking about your company on social media. You can ignore this conversation. Or, you can guide it in ways that will improve employee engagement, transform your marketing strategy, generate leads and attract top talent.


Although employees are your most credible spokespeople, the overwhelming majority of workers still feel disengaged, and they don’t understand your company’s purpose well enough to talk about it publicly.

Short linkhttp://ow.ly/DWX1H

If, like me, you have thought of Pinterest as a place to display still images, but nothing more complex than that, you might find this post, as I did, a bit of an eye-opener. Or you may have known all along that you can use Pinterest for more dynamic multimedia.

Either way, it's a practical piece on how to use videos, SlideShares and podcasts on this very popular platform, to help grow your social presence.

A Complete Guide to LinkedIn Ads    Kevin King

Short linkhttp://ow.ly/DWXik

Along with a number of colleagues who are LinkedIn specialists, I am wary of recommending to clients that they use LinkedIn ads, basically in terms of ensuring you get value for money, but there is no question that some businesses have had success with them. And for some, the sponsored updates version can be quite effective.

In response to a request from a client for advice on LinkedIn ads I have recently done some research on the subject. This article was helpful in that process. It provides a very practical overview and plenty of detail for anyone considering using LinkedIn ads or sponsored updates.

And one more thing

Re-launch of LinkedIn-focused group, for Business Professionals

This week marked the re-branding and re-focusing of what had been the 30 Day Linking Blitz Group on LinkedIn, under its new name of Linking Business Professionals - for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn 'n all that jazz". 

In other words, an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social networking and business and career planning. It's now an open group and membership is available to any LinkedIn member, with the proviso that there needs to be some indication that the member is serious about using LinkedIn. For that we use a basic criterion of having what LinkedIn describes as a "100% complete profile" - details at this link http://ow.ly/DTTte.

If you know someone who could find a group like ours helpful, why not share the link with them? It's http://linkd.in/10uvUZv  Or just search on LinkedIn for Linking Business Professionals.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PS: Speaking of CEOs and social, I'm getting more enquiries from business owners and C-level executives about help with personal branding via social media, especially with LinkedIn. I love this work - it's such a privilege to be able to help leaders develop their "social brand". I provide a no-strings, free 30 minute consultation to see if we can work together effectively. If you know someone who is looking for that sort of a personal branding boost, I'd be happy to talk with them. No hard sell. Just tell them to email me at des@deswalsh.com

PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link (there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Email: deswalsh@webartsco.com
