[Social Business Bites] Perfect Posts for Social Media; 6 Tips for Network Building; Co-creating a Social Business

Published: Wed, 07/16/14

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Three items this week:

  • "Perfect" Posts for Social Media
  • Six Tips for Building Your Social Network
  • Co-creating a Social Business


For posting to social media one size and even one style definitely does not fit all platforms. This guide, in infographic format, is excellent for anyone who wants to know the key points to note and take care of when posting to a number of platforms: Blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Vine, and Tumblr.  

It shows the different layouts of the various platforms and provides quite specific recommendations on posting to each. There is also a chart which purports to show the best times for posting to several of the platforms mentioned above and to LinkedIn.

In the comments on the post, I mentioned my three main reservations. First, I don't agree that blog posts need to be kept under 500-800 words. The right number? It depends. Second, it does not provide guidance on LinkedIn posting. And on the claimed "optimum timing" for social posting, it doesn't mention the need to adjust for different timezones: also, it's important to build an understanding of where and when our particular target maket groups are going to be using particular social media platforms.

But good value, definitely. 4 out of 5 for me (while acknowledging that Vine is not a platform I've used). Do let me know if you find the post/infographic helpful (or not!).


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Six tips to building a huge social network by David Merrick

Another excellent post with a title that is a tad misleading. It would have been more accurate to say that it provides six tips for building a social network well, or maybe "to last". But then it might not have got my attention, or yours.

It really is a good, easy to remember "code of practice" for using social media for business.

It also demonstrates, in one particular, how not to do social media effectively, in that it incorporates two plugs for particular products that are only in the most peripheral way related to the subject line. Lesson: if you are writing a post to plug a product, make sure the topic and the product fit neatly together.

No prize for guessing the inept placement of products. And in case you missed them, they are listed, with links, at the bottom.

But it is still a useful post

This post is not a light read, but it is a good one. Among other things it can help a business owner or other team leader develop an answer to the crucial question "But how do I get my people on board with this (social business)?"

It's written for an enterprise level audience, but the argument, the explanations and the excellent graphics are worthwhile for any of us in business, government or the not-for-profit sector.

It's the first of a four part series, to cover in turn the author's four stages of creating a social business: 
  • Early Adoption
  • Critical Mass Adoption
  • Mainstream Adoption
  • Sustainable Adoption 
This first in the series sets out the overview and then, as the title indicates, focuses on the Early Adoption stage, with challenges and strategies outlined.

Of the three items in this issue of Social Business Bites, this is the meatiest. Or, if you will, it's the good wine kept till last.

(The piece could have done with a sub-editor - you may have to read the odd sentence twice to get over the bumps.)


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PS: Do you know a business owner who is frustrated at not being able to get a serious handle on social media for their business? On one of my VIP Days they can have my undivided attention for a whole day (or half day) to focus, one-on-one, exclusively on their business, and how to fully integrate social media with their overall business strategy. Using a video connection means they don't have to travel. And yes, there is of course a special rate for any reader of Social Business Bites: or your business colleague or friend! - just let me know :)

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