[Des Walsh - SBB] Is Google+ the Antisocial Network? | Facebook Page Changes | Optimize Your Blog

Published: Thu, 07/31/14

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Three items with comments this week (and a couple extra links):

  • Is Google+ the Antisocial Network?
  • 10 Changes to Facebook Page Layout
  • How to Optimize Your Blog - with excellent Infographic


Google+ the Antisocial Network? by Chris Abraham @chrisabraham

I'm still a fan of Google+, especially as I have found a couple of communities I belong to there (LinkedIn Experts* and Podcasters) quite invaluable) for getting information, support and inspiration. I'm also quite keen to to some exploring and testing of Google Hangouts and Hangouts on Air.  

But there are critics and there seems to be no shortage of people who would jump for joy if the whole Google+ project imploded.  

As the title suggests, this post is highly critical of Google+ as a social network, but having read it three times now I find the author's attitude somewhat ambivalent. For instance, in the midst of a highly critical commentary there is the sentence "After three years and several damning articles, I seem to be making some progress on Google+". In context, the observation makes sense, but it does indicate that a Google+ Good/Google+Bad dichotomy may mainly serve those who like everything very cut and dried.

I don't think the argument is going away anytime soon. In the meantime, I will enjoy the good things Google+ offers! And I would love to hear what your experience, impressions are.

* Note: you don't have to be a LinkedIn expert (however defined) already to join the LinkedIn Experts community - the criteria are quite broad: see "About this community" on the page.

The key word in the title of this post is "Page". I.e., the post is about your Facebook Page, not your Facebook Profile. If you or your company uses a Facebook Page as part of your marketing, it could be worth your while to go through these changes and cross check with how your page is set up.

A couple of the items I found particularly helpful were:

1. The change in size for images, up by 25% from 403 pixels wide to 504 and the fact that Facebook will display a full square, 504x504 pixels. Is the square image on the rise? If Instagram is anything to go by, I suspect so.

2. Tab images no longer displayed under the cover pic. First tab is in text form there and the rest under More. To see your tab images, people need to look down the left side of the Page.

This is a really good post with a very helpful infographic.

There is too much goodness to summarize it adequately here. Take this one gem for an example:

According to a BrightEdge Technologies study, blogs with social media sharing buttons generate 7X more mentions than those don't. So make sure you place social sharing button prominently at the beginning of each blog post. Include counters on these buttons to encourage other to share (and help track your social proof). Feature platforms that are most relevant to your audience. (Emphasis added)

Seven times more mentions. That's an attention-getter, surely.

And one more: "...including images increases shareability and engagement up to 64 percent". 


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


A couple more links without commentary (so hard for me not to comment!)

Get Connected, not Rejected, with Your LinkedIn Invitations (mine)

Why Audio Never Goes Viral (for the podcasters among us)


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PS: I continue to be amazed, when speaking with business owners and CEOs, that so many seem quite flippant in saying they don't know about social media. How can they be in charge, in this day and age? Achilles' heel comes to mind. Others recognize the need to be better informed but are not sure how to go about it. For those smarter ones, who know what they don't know and want to do something about it, one of my VIP Days will give them access to my undivided attention for a whole day (or half day) to focus, one-on-one, exclusively on their business, and how to fully integrate social media with their overall business strategy. Using a video connection means they don't have to travel. And yes, there is of course a special rate for any reader of Social Business Bites: or your business colleague or friend! - just let me know :)

PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link (there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

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Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Email: deswalsh@webartsco.com
