[Des Walsh - SBB] Surprising Social Media Stats | Checking out Riffle for Twitter | New LinkedIn Header Image

Published: Thu, 08/07/14

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3 Bites & 1 Announcement this week 

Bites (quotes from the items listed are in italics)

  • Surprising Social Media Stats - Time to Review Your Strategy?
  • Build a Targeted Group of Followers on Twitter with Riffle
  • The New LinkedIn Header Image & How to Use It

Announcing the next 30 Day Linking Blitz  

If there is one area of contemporary business that doesn't stay static, it's social media, where change is constant. It pays especially to keep abreast of trends in usage and not get stuck with outdated strategies.

For example, did you know that the fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 54-64 age group? And that demographic has grown 79% in just two years.

Plus 9 more stats of interest, including one about porn and social media that surprised me.

No, it's not a new ice cream brand. 

This app, Riffle by CrowdRiff, is new for me but looks interesting and might even become addictive! It's a Chrome browser extension, free and easy to install.

Building a community of targeted followers is the most important thing for a business that seeks to stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, it can be a daunting task, especially if you have a very small budget and/or are pressed for time. 

Riffle gives you a whole lot of social media data about Twitter users, that would be otherwise very time-consuming and probably with a significant monetary cost to acquire. Works with a range of apps, including Hootsuite and Tweetdeck.

How to Use the New LinkedIn Header Image for Profiles

http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/new-linkedin-header-image/  by Viveka von Rosen

US based LinkedIn expert Viveka von Rosen has provided this excellent guide for using the new LinkedIn profile "hero" image (the image at the top of your profile page): to date it's been made available for premium (i.e. paid) users and is being rolled out also to basic (free) accounts.

Viveka explainsLinkedIn's new header image allows you to increase your branding and visibility, showcase who you are and attract new followers and connections. They are a lot like the banners you have on Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Facebook.

Note especially that for her very professional looking image she has used the Fiverr service (jobs/services for $5 - sometimes a bit more). 


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Announcement: Next 30 Day Linking Blitz Launched

The 30 Day Linking Blitz is a free, collaborative, self-directed, all volunteer project, in which each participant commits to take action on his/her LinkedIn presence and activity, over a 30 day period. The next Blitz starts Monday, September 15, with some lead-up activities before then

This is a great opportunity for anyone, from LinkedIn newbie to experienced user, to give their LinkedIn activity a recharge, with a time focus and as part of a worldwide group similarly engaged. More info and registration at 30 Day Linking Blitz Free, no strings, nothing up the sleeve. Be in it! 


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PS: I've made a short video (2m 31s) to explain succinctly my VIP Days for Social Business Strategy. And it points to where people can get more  info. If you know a business owner who is looking for guidance on social media and you would like to share the link (after you have watched the video, of course), I would be most grateful. Cooments/questions welcome: here is the link http://youtu.be/MycI9-FNtoo

PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link (there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Email: deswalsh@webartsco.com
