Social Business Bites: Guide to Social Media ROI | Becoming a Thought Leader | Smarter Use of Social Media Buttons

Published: Thu, 03/26/15

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3 Juicy Bites this week 

  • Delightfully Short Guide to Social Media ROI
  • Building Thought Leadership from Scratch
  • Smarter Use of Social Media Buttons on Your Blog
Plus a couple of extra links - my recent posts on building thought leadership through blogging.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Businesses want to know what they will get in return for their commitment of money and time (and time = money) into social media activity and engagement. In other words, their return on investment (ROI).

This is a really good guide, and for those who like a good visual display there is a very clear infographic.

Two things in particular stood out for me in this delightfully short article were:
  • assessing the ROI of social media is possible and achievable
  • there is some detailed work involved and probably some monetary expenditure
Not a walk in the park. But worthwhile.

When I talk to business owners about establishing thought leadership, especially via social media, I sometimes get an odd look in return. From reading this article I think I might now know the reason for the odd look.

It's a look that says "Who, me? Thought leadership. Thanks, but you've got to be kidding."

This article takes that perception head on and also shares a simple, 5 step process for establishing ourselves as thought leaders.

7 Questions You Need to Ask When Adding Social Media Buttons to Your Blog 

Jeff Bullas

What works best for those social media buttons on websites and blogs, the little, or not so little, buttons for linking to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.? Is big better than small, where should they be placed, how many should you have? The questions go on, as they should.

One thing Jeff Bullas makes clear in this excellent articie and guide, is that we should not leave the decision making on this entirely to our web designer. They will by default want the buttons to look stylish and fit the overall page design, which is fine: we just need to make sure that they serve our business purposes.

Function, then form, not the other way around.


Also, a couple more links on the thought leadership theme - my two recent posts on building thought leadership with blogging, in part 2 sharing details of three successful CEO blogs:


Linking Business Professionals Group

How would you like to belong to an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social media, networking and business? 

Linking Business Professionals is an open group on LinkedIn, for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn, social media 'n all that jazz". Here is the link:

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).


Des Walsh
Executive Leadership | Business Coaching | Social Media Strategy
Des Walsh dot Com
Phone: +61 413 089 355