Social Business Bites: Mobile - the new primetime | Twitter chats for business | Live streaming apps go mainstream

Published: Thu, 04/02/15

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3 Juicy Bites this week 

  • Mobile is the new Primetime
  • Twitter Chats and how they can help your business
  • Live streaming apps go mainstream

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


How much more disruptive can mobile get? A lot, it seems.

Who could have imagined even a decade ago that consuming media on a phone-like computer device we carried in our pockets or a purse would be more popular than watching television? Well it’s happened. Adweek’s Social Times reported yesterday that now that mobile viewing has officially surpassed TV, it has become the new primetime.

All of us in business who have not caught up have to start thinking mobile, mobile, mobile.

The recent announcement that from April 21 Google will effectively be downgrading search results for sites that are not mobile responsive (i.e. don'g read easily on mobile devices) has prompted a flurry of activity with people rushing to ensure their sites pass muster. For more on that, check this Google site.

Twitter chats, sometimes called "hashtag chats" because each has its own hashtag, for example #blogchat @AdChat #CoffeeChat, can be a bit bewildering at first, especially when there are a lot of participants and the "chatstream" moves rapidly. 

I know, not everyone sees business value in participating on Twitter.

But if you are one of the many people who do see value, this post is well worth your time.

It opened my eyes to some brand building possibilities that I had not thought of previously. It's full of good tips and illustrations.

If you want to see what a Twitter chat stream looks like, check out Mack Collier's highly successful weekly #blogchat - note that with this and other chat pages you may need to scroll down a bit to see the actual chatstream below the most recent tweets. Some opportunists (that's the nice word for them) try to hijack chat streams to promote their usually unrelated stuff.

I see the basic business story about live streaming to our mobile devices as being in terms of "If a picture is worth a thousand words, a moving picture is worth a whole lot more".

So now we have the battle of Periscope vs Meerkat.

Meerkat? Periscope? Are you up with the latest on live streaming apps? If so, this article might well be a bit ho-hum for you. If not, I can tell you I found it a good synthesis of various bits and pieces I've been reading over the past couple of weeks.

First it was Coke vs. Pepsi, then Apple vs. Android and now we are dividing camps into Meerkat vs. Periscope. Meerkat quickly became a social media darling for streaming sessions from this year’s SXSW conference in Austin,  but just as quickly as the live streaming app took off its wings were clipped by Twitter’s announcement that it had purchased Periscope, a similar live streaming app with more robust features including seamless integration with Twitter itself.

We're talking Apple products here at present. As an Android user I'm hoping the promise of Periscope in the PlayStore soon is not someone blowing smoke.

And with any of these live streaming products, heed the sage advice of Sgt Phil Esterhaus and be careful out there. There are some traps for the unwary (remember copyright?).


Greeting Time

For my Jewish friends Chag Sameach, for my Christian friends Happy Easter, and for everyone have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Life is precious and fleeting - hug your loved ones. 

And thank you all for reading.


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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


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Des Walsh
Executive Leadership | Business Coaching | Social Media Strategy
Des Walsh dot Com
Phone: +61 413 089 355