Social Business Bites: Longer Blog Posts Work Better | Book -The Engaged Leader | Who Sees Your LinkedIn Posts?

Published: Fri, 05/08/15

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3 juicy bites today

  • Why Longer Blog Posts Work Better
  • The Engaged Leader - A Strategy for Your Digital Transformation 
  • Who Sees Your Blog Posts on LinkedIn?
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


One of my challenges over some 12 years of blogging has been in dealing with the advice to keep my posts under 500 words - in some paid blogging gigs that has been a requirement. It may be a weakness, but once I get into a topic I usually find it hard to contain in fewer than about 900-1,000 words what I have to say.

The path of least resistance is to divide a longer post into two. But I do like my longer posts!

So I am always pleased when I see a reasoned argument in defence, or even support, of longer form posts. 

Such as this post from Social Media Today. It's a well-researched, well-argued post with some great tips.

I loved the intro paras and endorse the advice, especially in the last sentence.

You’ve heard it all before: write short but frequent posts; write more often; write less often; don’t write a blog at all. With so much conflicting advice out there, what’s a business blogger to do?

Just write, baby.

In all seriousness, as long as your content is good, and appropriate for your readers, you’ll do well. If you’re looking to take things up a notch with your business blog, keep reading.

And the post is worth checking out for the excellent infographic alone.

By the way, yes there are 6 "secrets" although the header refers to only 5.

Charlene Li

If you are a business leader or work with business leaders, you will surely find Charlene Li's new book very helpful and at the same time very readable.

Charlene Li has excelled herself. At every chapter I had a "wish I'd said that" moment or three. It provides an excellent theoretical framework for the leader's role in the digital transformation of a company, and a bunch of practical steps and tools to help the reader translate the theory to action.

The Engaged Leader provides leaders with the skills and confidence they need to transform their leadership, and in turn, their organizations.

The Engaged Leader also provides guidance to institutions—businesses, communities, and schools—on how to develop and nurture digital leadership.

It is a must read for anyone who values a deeper connection between leaders and those they serve. (Amazon blurb)

A US colleague, Zane Safrit, has an excellent review at this link

If you have used the publishing platform on LinkedIn to post a blog or several, or if you have thought about it, you will either know or want to know who sees those posts. I was asked about this, researched it and wrote this post. Plus a previous one, How to Post to the LinkedIn Publishing Platform, for the benefit of anyone who might not know what posting on LinkedIn might mean, other than - say - posting an update.

I was delighted to be told this morning about one person who read my Who Sees Your Blog Posts on LinkedIn? post, then immediately applied a tip I shared for a way to get more visibility for a post, and it worked. I can't adequately summarize the tip here - you'll have to read the post to get it. :)


New, regular newsletter on Leadership coming soon

In line with some re-focusing of my business on executive leadership coaching, with social media strategy as complementary to that, in coming weeks I'll be publishing a weekly newsletter on leadership

I'll announce that in a separate email to everyone who receives Social Business Bites, and provide a way to register for the new newsletter. I appreciate that some people won't be interested, some may like to get both and some may just want to stick with Social Business Bites.

And yes, I do intend to keep Social Business Bites going.

Linking Business Professionals Group

How would you like to belong to an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social media, networking and business? 

Linking Business Professionals is an open group on LinkedIn, for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn, social media 'n all that jazz". Here is the link:

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Des Walsh
Executive Leadership for the Digital Age
Des Walsh dot Com 
LinkedIn Profile
Phone: +61 413 089 355