Social Business Bites: 1st Impressions Do Count | Obama's Twitter Debut @POTUS | Use Quora for Quality Content

Published: Wed, 05/27/15

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3 juicy bites today

  • 1st Impressions Do Count
  • Obama’s Twitter Debut, @POTUS, Attracts Hate-Filled Posts
  • How to Use Quora for Quality Content
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


1st Impressions Do Count Brad Delaney

The face at the top of your profile, what does it say about you or your business ?  Do you, like most people, have an old " selfie" sitting on your computer somewhere that you drag up every time you need to produce one, is it a photo from a wedding that a friend took that looks all right?​

My friend, professional photographer Brad Delaney, does great professional portraits. He also does amazing wave photography at local beaches. More than that, and why I am featuring this blog post of his this week, is that Brad is a keen student of marketing, especially branding, and how that works in the digital age. He knows his stats. He knows what works and what doesn't, especially when it comes to the photos we choose to display as part of our online personal brand. 

Julie Hirschfeld Davis

The @POTUS account — named for the in-house acronym derived from “President of the United States” — would “serve as a new way for President Obama to engage directly with the American people, with tweets coming exclusively from him,” a White House aide wrote that day. But it took only a few minutes for Mr. Obama’s account to attract racist, hate-filled posts and replies. They addressed him with racial slurs and called him a monkey. One had an image of the president with his neck in a noose.

@POTUS is the new "personal Presidential" Twitter account for President Barack Obama (as distinct from the @BarackObama account managed by political supporters). The wave of hate-filled posts as part of the response to the President's launching of this new account is shocking, but there are some interesting lessons here, especially in why the White House has chosen not to close the account down or take other defensive action. Instructive not just for political leaders but for leaders in business and other fields.

How to Use Quora for Quality Content Christopher Jan Benitez

Quora has become the premiere online Q&A site. Its feature-rich functions allow users to ask questions targeted to industry leaders or answer those to increase your reputation. ...

Given the wealth of topics asked and answered in Quora, it is also part of the blogging tools and resources that you should use in writing quality content for your blog. "Instead of researching about your topic on Google, you can simply search Quora, compile the best answers, and turn it into a blog post.

Some good tips here for using Quora effectively to help you with creating blog content, including:
  • finding questions that haven't been answered in your niche before
  • finding questions that help you write "roundup" posts
  • asking questions you want answered for your blog
If you haven't used Quora before, note that the site is not a free-for-all and there are some "rules of engagement" that help limit the potential for spamming self-promotion: see Quora policies and guidelines.


New, regular newsletter on Leadership coming soon

In line with some re-focusing of my business on executive leadership coaching, with social media strategy as complementary to that, in coming weeks I'll be publishing a weekly newsletter on executive leadership for the digital age

I'll announce that in a separate email to everyone who receives Social Business Bites, and provide a way to register for the new newsletter. I appreciate that some people won't be interested, some may like to get both and some may just want to stick with Social Business Bites.

And yes, I do intend to keep Social Business Bites going.

Linking Business Professionals Group

How would you like to belong to an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social media, networking and business? 

Linking Business Professionals is an open group on LinkedIn, for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn, social media 'n all that jazz". Here is the link:

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


PPSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

Des Walsh
Executive Leadership for the Digital Age
Des Walsh dot Com 
LinkedIn Profile
Phone: +61 413 089 355