Social Business Bites: Great story telling tips | Key 2015 trend to worry marketers | Me on the Bus

Published: Tue, 01/20/15

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3 Fresh, Juicy Bites this week 

  • Tips for better social media story telling - from Guy Kawasaki
  • The one key 2015 trend marketers should worry about
  • Me on the bus with Zeusvision

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


This Week's Bites

Guy Kawasaki’s 7 tips for better social media storytelling 

Rick Spence

In a digital-marketing world dominated by websites, email and social media, companies of all types are being urged to embrace content marketing – essentially, building awareness and customer engagement through storytelling.

In this short post, masterful marketer Guy Kawasaki shares 7 tips for story telling with social media:
  • Be valuable
  • Be interesting
  • Be bold
  • Be brief
  • Be thankful
  • Be visual
  • Be organized
He explains these with typical clarity and succinctness.


Rohit Bhargava

Here I was, thinking that by having learned a bit about the Internet of Things (IoT) I was up with the latest. Of course there is always a newer latest.

While it might not be the very latest latest, the trend explained in this post by the always readable Rohit Bhargava is one to make marketers either sit up and take notice or wonder how they are going to keep up, or a bit of both.

A couple of snippets so you get the general idea (the whole post is well worth reading):

In the future, the best customer experiences will be those that can integrate the data a brand collects on a customer with the data a customer chooses to share in order to improve their own experience.

Just imagine what could be possible if customers could easily share their own self collected data with you in order to improve their own customer experiences?

This is big!

Des Walsh

Yes, it's one of my posts this time. It explains how late last year I was invited, along with a bunch of other bloggers, to participate in the launch of a new service, Zeusvision, which democratizes the provision of outdoor advertizing, by making available to small business the opportunity to advertise on the sides of buses in various US cities, starting with Los Angeles. For as little as $99!

A significant benefit for me was having my picture and some info about my business on one of the buses. Hence the image below. 

As the title of the post indicates, the process led to me doing some brand changing. Nothing too dramatic.

I posted in some detail about the Zeusvision service back in October last year - see Zeusvision Levels the Outdoor Advertising Playing Field.


Linking Business Professionals Group

How would you like to belong to an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social media, networking and business? 

Linking Business Professionals is an open group on LinkedIn, for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn, social media 'n all that jazz". Here is the link: 


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

