Social Business Bites: Benchmark Social Media |Make Your Data Pretty | Simplify Enterprise Social Media Landscape

Published: Fri, 02/20/15

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3 Juicy Bites this week 

  • Social Media benchmarking
  • How to Make Your Data Pretty - Data Visualization Tools
  • Simplifying the Enterprise Social Media Landscape
+ One Self-Promotion


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


The Complete Beginner's Guide to Social Media Benchmarks - Kevan Lee

When someone - a staff member, a consultant, a social media services provider, shares some statistic enthusiastically with you, e.g. 1,000 new likes on our Facebook page, how often do you ask, "So what does that mean for us?"? 

In this, another excellent post from the buffersocial blog by Buffer, we get a great little guide to setting some benchmarks to help us ask those questions confidently and know what to make of the answers.

The author acknowledges his source for a four segment benchmarking framework, in a blog post last year by Kevin Shively at Simply Measured. The segments there are

1. Aspirational Benchmarking: Learning from social leaders.
2. Trended Benchmarking: Setting goals, projections, and standards based on previous activity.
3. Earned Benchmarking: Comparing campaign or promotional efforts against a standard for success.

4. Competitive Benchmarking: Setting goals and baselines for performance and growth based on your direct competitors.

He suggests tweaking the 4th - Competitive Benchmarking - to include Influencers, and calling it Inspirational Benchmarking. A nice bit of tweaking in my book.

He asks and answers a couple of good questions:

  • which stats should we measure?
  • what should those stats look like?
Then he goes through each of the 4 segments and shows clearly how to use them.

Well worth a careful read.

How to Make Your Data Pretty? Utilize These Data Visualization Tools

Omkar Mishra

I don't know about you, but I love it when someone takes a complex set of data and presents it clearly in graphical form, so I can see instantly the key connections and possible implications, at a glance.

But what if we are the ones who have to do the presenting? This post lists and explains an impressive range of tools for the purpose, including,,

The best of the data visualizations explain something complex in a digestible format and expose something underlying which cannot be visible to the naked eye. Understanding those patterns and observing those trends to make powerful decisions is one of the important functions on choosing the right visualization.

As Big data is accepted across different industries and more companies deal with data explosions across various digital networks, the importance of visualizing the complex datasets will become all the more important.

Tip: don't miss what he says about Google Library, and possibilities with Microsoft Excel. Definitely a useful post.

Conversations with business executives about social media start, all too typically, with them asking questions which can be grouped conveniently as "which platform should we use?": cart before the horse.
This post points to a more productive approach and includes a neat matrix for decision making.
The problem with thinking about social media in terms of specific platforms is that it often leaves companies chasing the latest and greatest features, which are often changing faster than any of us can keep up with. This approach leaves executives constantly playing catch-up to whatever features social media platforms choose to add or remove, rather than getting ahead of these to think strategically about how to implement them in their business context. 
Worth checking out just for the simple matrix, in a table with just nine cells including the subject line.

DrumrollMy first post on Market Leadership Journal
I'm delighted - and humble about it, believe me - to have been invited to join the group of leadership specialists writing for Market Leadership Journal.
In my first post I write about a personal experience that gave me a whole new perspective on styles of leadership.
If you’re employed by a corporation, a not-for-profit, or a government agency, in whatever role whether executive or not, you’ll know that the leadership style of the person you report to can be crucial to your happiness at work, your productivity and your sense of achievement, perhaps even your sense of self-worth.

So I would not wish on you a fair weather leader.

To find out what I mean by a fair weather leader and a simple but effective way to reduce the stress of having to work with one - as I have had to do more than once in my career - check out the blog post.

Linking Business Professionals Group

How would you like to belong to an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social media, networking and business? 

Linking Business Professionals is an open group on LinkedIn, for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn, social media 'n all that jazz". Here is the link: 


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.


Till next time

Be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).


Des Walsh
Visionary Leadership | Business Coaching | Social Media Strategy
Des Walsh dot Com
Phone: +61 413 089 355