[SBB Des Walsh] Social Media Pointers for 2016 | Investing in Instagram Ads | 7 Habits of 'Social Leaders'

Published: Fri, 09/11/15


3 crunchy bites this week

  • Social Media Pointers for 2016
  • Investing in Instagram Ads
  • 7 Habits of 'Social Leaders'

And 2 Notices

  • Update on Blab, the New Livestreaming Video Platform
  • Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Update

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link



Social Media News Recap: What You Need to Know for 2016  

Sherman Standberry

This is a massively exciting time for social. 2015 has been the year that social networks finally took advertising as seriously as it should be. With so much going on, we decided to condense the most important social media news updates to the top 4 that we feel you ab-so-lute-ly have to be aware of coming into the new year. Hold onto your hats because right now 2016 is looking to be one hell of a whirlwind.

#1. Instagram Advertising has [finally] Arrived
#2. Facebook is Getting Smarter
#3. Pinterest Promoted Pins is Taking Off

Yes, more about Instagram, but it complements the information in the previous item.

Instagram’s 300 million monthly active users have made it the second largest social media platform, pulling it ahead of Twitter, and it’s only getting bigger thanks to its new ad program. In 2014, a select number of companies debuted ads—which have the same look and feel as organic posts—on the network, with only the highest quality ads displayed. But last week, the Instagram Application Programming Interface (API) finally became available to everyone

Back in the late 90’s I studied leadership during my postgrad at Birkbeck College, Uni of London.

The models we learned were ‘classic’ approaches to leadership, with a stress on the importance of differentiating it from management.

These approaches are well suited to an organizational structure but the longer I am around the people in my industry the more I see them as lacking. The online leaders of today could have followings of tens of thousands of engaged members yet we tend to think in term of their influence more than their leadership. 
It is the concept of community that has changed the role of a social leader, with people listening and being influenced from all walks of life and throughout every type of organization.
(Emphasis added)

Read his 7 habits - good stuff.


Are You on Blab Yet?

Blab.im, which is currently available on desktop and iOS (Android is coming soon), is a live-streaming video platform that lets you host your own live video show or conference with up to four people engaging at the same time. The moderator has control over who is in the three additional video seats, but anyone who wants to tune in can use the right panel to chat and the left panel to tweet.
If you haven't tried Blab yet, here is a neat video explaining very clearly how it works:


It's really easy to sign in to Blab:

  • enter the URL in your browser: http://blab.im
  • click on the button that says Sign in with Twitter 
  • just use your Twitter account details to sign in (if you are already signed into Twitter it should take you straight to the working app).

I'm hosting a Blab session this coming week, on #Leadership, with co-host Sandi Coryell, a leadership specialist based in Los Angeles. Subscribe at the link below to watch and - if you wish - participate. Thursday 17th 6pm US PDT = Friday 18th 11 am AEST

#Leadership & Riding the Wave of Digital Disruption

If you see potential with Blab for your own business and would like some help getting started, please let me know. I'm happy to answer your questions as best I can and will consider requests to co-host your first session (complimentary) to help get you started (I'm saying "consider" just because I don't want to over-promise - try  me!)

Update on the Podcast Show

My Podcast Show, Let's Talk Leadership, is now on iTunes and Stitcher

My podcast show Let's Talk Leadership: Conversations about Challenges and Opportunities for Leadership in the Digital Age includes regular interviews with leaders, leadership coaches and authors. 

This week I published the podcast of my interview with Master Coach Donna Karlin, from Toronto. Donna shared with typical generosity her wisdom and insights about Leadership, and the conversation was also for me a masterclass on executive coaching. You can listen or download for later listening at:

Shadow Coaching for Effective Leadership: Donna Karlin [Podcast]

Subscribe links are:  iTunes    Stitcher

And I'd love some reviews too! :)

Linking Business Professionals Group
How would you like to belong to an online community for learning and sharing about LinkedIn, in a broader context of social media, networking and business? 

Linking Business Professionals is an open group on LinkedIn, for intelligent, spam-free conversation about what I've tagged as "LinkedIn, social media 'n all that jazz". Here is the link:

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


Des Walsh
Executive Leadership Coach | Digital Disruption Navigator
Des Walsh dot Com

PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413 089 355    Australia 0413 089 355

Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).

