[SBB Des Walsh] Facebook Livestream for All | Network or Relationships? | "Amazing" Graphics, Fre \

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Facebook Livestream For All
  • LinkedIn Endorsements
  • Amazing Graphics Free
Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Is this the beginning of the end for Blab and other livestreaming services? At least as far as mass markets go? Facebook Live for all.

Back in August, Facebook unveiled Live, a live-streaming tool for Facebook, though it wasn't made available for every Facebook user. Live was added into Facebook Mentions, which is accessible only by users with verified profiles, which essentially limits it to celebrities and public figures.

…Facebook's now announced that Live will soon be available to all Facebook users, a move that'll cause a big shift in the live-streaming landscape. How? Through Facebook, content creators will be able to achieve massive reach and audience.

Facebook is also (will also be) providing tools to make groups/collages of videos and photos.

This article looks closely at the behavior of Reid Hoffman, one of the founders of LinkedIn and explains very clearly the crucial difference between being a "networker" and a "relationship builder". If you have clients or colleagues who don't get that distinction and are still spraying business cards around and hoping for the best, do your best to get them to read this.

There’s a distinction between networking and genuine relationship building.

Networkers are transactional. They pursue relationships thinking only about what other people can do for them. And they’ll only network with people when they need something, like a job or new clients. Relationship builders, on the other hand, try to help other people first. They don’t keep score. They’re aware that most good deeds get reciprocated, but they’re not calculated about it. And they think about their relationships all the time, not just when they need something.

Create "Amazing" Graphics, Free - Snappa.io A Canva Alternative

I'm not a graphic designer, I get frustrated with Photoshop Elements and have lately found Canva positively confusing. I'd like to find another platform for graphics, preferably free and with some stock photos I don't have to buy. I thought that was a pipe dream but now there is a new platform, Snappa.io, and I'm wondering if this might be The One. 

That's correct. I haven't tried it yet (it's that *fresh*) but will do so and report back, one day soon I trust.

Recently, I discovered a new tool for making visuals for our blog and social media and it’s called Snappa.io.

So far, we’ve been using Canva and have been quite happy with it, but Snappa.io has several advantages over Canva, like the fact that its interface is much easier to navigate, the free version offers more images to choose from and that it has a number of pre-made templates that are easier to customize.

If you are looking for the perfect tool to create beautiful graphics for your social media or a blog, keep reading on to learn more about Snappa.io and how to use it.



Red Teaming for Business Success: Fred Aubin [Podcast]


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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