[SBB Des Walsh] Year of the Bold: Trends | Visibility for Visual Content | What if Twitter Died?

Published: Fri, 02/05/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Trends for 2016: The Year of the Bold
  • Tips to Ensure Your Visual Content is Seen
  • What if Twitter Died?

Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Yes, I know, from last December on there has been the usual annual proliferation on the internet of posts and articles about "Trends" for 2016, in social media and otherwise. So why would I include yet another?

Two reasons: i) because it was shared by US based super trendspotter Robert Scoble and ii) for breadth and richness of content it beats hands down the other trends-for-2016 articles I've seen to date.

It's in two parts: i) 10 key trends, and ii) an A_Z list.

I won't spoil the experience by listing the 10 key trends here, much less the 26 in the A-Z list. But there are two standouts for me in the key list of 10:

5. Culture is the Critical Path

"Digital business transformation is a cultural shift, not a technology problem."

8. Reputation Capital

"According to (respected pundit) Rachel Botsman, reputation has a real world value, and will be your most valued asset." 

Some good tips here.

Is seeing really believing? A new study by Michigan State University seems to think so:

“The part of the brain responsible for seeing is more powerful than previously believed. In fact, the visual cortex can essentially make decisions just like the brain’s traditional ‘higher level’ areas.”

The Tips
  1. Use Your Imagination
  2. Consider the Inclusion of Data
  3. Generate Buzz
  4. Be Mindful Before Sharing
  5. Timing
  6. Rinse and Repeat
(Note: The article heading indicates there are 5 tips, but there are clearly 6: in the original the number 4 was duplicated.)

Whether you agree with the writer or not, he poses an interesting potential dilemma - right now - for those of us using Twitter with an intention to influence mainstream business or consumers - as distinct from the tech industry people.

To be fair, Twitter is an extremely valuable service for discovering news in real time, finding out what people have to say and, as a writer, promoting what I and my friends and colleagues have written or participated in to a wider audience.

But nearly 10 years in, the service has also become a shouting gallery for “traditional” celebrities, and a lot of people in the tech industry who somehow believe Twitter has made them celebrities.

At least take 15 seconds to check out the graphic for this post: very clever.




Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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