[SBB Des Walsh] Social Media Skills Gap | Winning on Facebook | LinkedIn Problems

Published: Fri, 02/26/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


First, apologies for the hiatus in issues of SBB. So much for getting the year off to a flying start! 

As the saying goes (popularized although not originated by John Lennon) "Life is what happens to us when we're busy making other plans".

3 crunchy bites this week
  • Inside the Social Media Skills Gap
  • Winning on Facebook
  • How Deep are LinkedIn's Problems?

Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


This article puts some meat on the bones of a particular obsession of mine, the social media skills gap in the executive suite and the workforce generally.

But as we become more familiar with social media, wouldn't the gap be closing? According to Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes, the gap is in face growing

Nearly 90% of U.S. companies are currently using Twitter, Facebook, and other networks—all jockeying for their share of the estimated $1.3 trillion in value that social media stands to unlock.

There's just one small problem: The contemporary workforce is woefully ill-equipped to help companies unlock it.


Reports of social media gaffes and blunders in the workplace are still routine. Meanwhile, the real price of the skills gap often goes unnoticed—billions of dollars in missed opportunities and lost revenue.

There are still businesses where the owners/leaders say, Yes, we get LinkedIn and even Twitter. But Facebook? Is that about serious business? 

I'm sure you get it, but for when you are speaking to those who don't, this article by the very smart and prodigiously productive Neil Patel incorporates some extensively sourced data and insightful observations.

Why Facebook? Why not any one of the hundreds of other social networks? While it would be worth analyzing other networks as well, Facebook is the place to start due to its size.

As of the start of 2016, Facebook has 1.59 billion active users per month. That’s over 20% of the global population. This means that customers for just about every imaginable business are on Facebook.

(emphases added)

This article provides some thoughtful observations on LinkedIn and its prospects, in the light of a dramatic drop in the share price.

While I for one don't think the LinkedIn sky is falling any time soon, I regard no social media platform as immune from disruption or destruction, so I like to watch for warning signs on the horizon.

In little over a month, shares in LinkedIn lost over half their value — because of poor growth forecasts, fears over future income, and even investor concerns over a tech bubble. The issues facing LinkedIn, however, go beyond the company itself. The problem stems from each of the company’s revenue streams, which ultimately diminish the business value of using the service.
The site’s focus on one-directional promotion limits its effectiveness for recruitment, and its reliance on user-generated content prevents it from being a useful sales tool for businesses.




Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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