[SBB Des Walsh] Slack for Your Team | Company Revenues Digitally Dependent | Meanwhile, in China ...........

Published: Fri, 03/04/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Customizing Slack for Your Teams
  • Most Company Revenues to be Digitally Dependent
  • Meanwhile, in China ................
Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


A product called Slack - for collaboration and productivity? 

Yes, and it has raving fans, the author of this article obviously being one.

It's a messaging app for teams and is designed, I believe, to replace email.

I confess that I haven't used Slack but it's been on my radar and I've heard only good things about it,.

Note that, as one commenter pointed out, despite the title this article is not just about social media teams, but (business) teams generally.

Team conversations take place in chat rooms, or “channels.” You can create channels for different projects or topics. You can also direct message individuals and select groups of people. All of the content that you post on Slack is searchable, including files, conversations, people, and notifications. Just enter a keyword or two in the search box at the top right and press Enter.

Slack will integrate with many third-party tools, such as Google Drive, Trello, Dropbox, Heroku, Crashlytics, GitHub, Runscope, and Zendesk.

It also will support community-built integrations.

Andrew Birmingham

I could have as easily and pretty appropriately headed this: Huge Storm Approaching, Not Many Ready.

Almost half of the companies surveyed for a global study on the impact of digital disruption believe the majority of their revenues well be digital-dependent by 2020. Yet most lack confidence that their own organisations are equipped for the challenge.

and this

The study’s authors say that company culture is a fundamental part of ensuring digital strategies can thrive — since the right, progressive internal cultures can help attract new talent and engage the existing team in the challenge of developing innovative digital solutions. 

Despite this a whopping and faintly depressing 80 per cent of company leaders do not currently believe they have the right culture in place to succeed.

Meanwhile, in China ............

Josh Chin

How would you like to be rich, influential and have 37 million followers on social media? Maybe not right now if you happened to be retired Chinese property tycoon Jen Zhiquiang.

In a reminder about who's ultimately the boss, the Chinese Government reacted to criticism of the government's tightening grip on the media by Ren Zhiquiang, a.k.a. The Cannon, ordering the shutting down of his social media accounts. No ifs, no buts.

I for one am grateful I live in a country where even though government might sometimes (often?) like to shut down dissenters and critics on social media, so far we haven't gone down the China path. But spare a thought for those in China and other countries where the consequences of being open and critical on social media can be quite dire.



Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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