[SBB Des Walsh] Top Social Media Management Tools | Lethal Generosity | Psychology to Boost Engagement

Published: Fri, 11/06/15

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Top Social Media Management Tools
  • Lethal Generosity, the Book
  • Some Psychology to Boost Social Media Engagement
Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show
Plus: a request for a favor

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


There are literally hundreds of social management tools out there to choose from but for the past couple years the market was dominated by a spare few. I’m sure you’ve heard of Hootsuite and Sprout, pretty much every marketer has dabbled with the big boys. However after checking out the results from the G2Crowd, user reviews are showing an obvious trend towards preferring smaller indie tools with better UX and customer service.

We all want to be more efficient with our time on social media. How to do that is the 64 dollar question. Yes there are tools to help, but which ones can we confidently invest our time and money in? And how do we sift through all the ones on offer to get a shortlist? This article provides a partial answer. They've done a short list and a rating based on user experience. Tip: you need to look through the whole infographic to get a sense of which tool might be best for you in terms of usability, price, efficiency, support etc.

Disclosure: I am a designated ambassador for one of these top tools, Hootsuite (and I was frankly disappointed and slightly surprised they did not do better!).

The top four? Agora Pulse, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Sendible.

Last week in Sydney I had the huge pleasure of meeting - for the first time offline - one of my best friends and a man I greatly admire, the author Shel Israel, who was visiting as a keynote for the Telstra Digital Summit event. Shel has just recently published his latest "state of digital + some future-gazing" book, Lethal Generosity:  Contextual Technology and the Competitive Edge, which I am recommending to everyone in business. It provides an important window into the latest contextual tech developments and, as Shel is a great storyteller, it is also a very enjoyable read.   

Robin Fray Carey, Co-Founder and CEO at Social Media Today, interviewed Shel and drew from him a succinct explanation of the book,

Robyn asked Shel how he came up with the book's title and approach. He replied:

The book title began with (Robert) Scoble, as with so many other things. We were in a bar in Seattle and he was recalling his first job in a camera store. I started collecting stories about companies that loved the customer so much that they were willing to take a risk to get and keep the customer. It’s a willingness to truly do what they talk about: that’s to love the customer first. 

It really is a book worth getting. And I'm not saying that just because the author is a friend. Check out the book here.

Social media engagement is largely determined by how well your social posts trigger action from your target audience. In this article you’ll discover how to boost social media engagement by incorporating psychological triggers in your posts.

The three principles the author lists for improving our social media engagement, are: 

1. Focus on a desire
2. Appeal to knowledge seekers
3.Tap into the fear of missing out

He explains each clearly. 

(By the way, although I enjoyed this article, I was distracted by an ad, inserted in between bodies of text, for an upcoming conference. At first I thought it was illustrating a point in the text and I was trying to figure out the relevance.)

Brother, Sister, can you spare a short recommendation?

If you've got this far I want to thank you for reading. We all have so much stuff to get through that I truly appreciate that.

I love doing this weekly bulletin, finding juicy items and then trying to write briefly about them. I'd also love to see more people reading it. So, encouraged by a couple of really nice, appreciative messages I've received recently, I'm about to do some promoting of the newsletter.

A few recommendations from readers would surely help

If you find Social Business Bites interesting/helpful, and would be happy to give me a sentence or two on why that is so and let me use that, with your name, to help me promote it, I would be super grateful. Just an email to deswalsh@webartsco.com will do it.

If not, please just keep reading and I'll love you just for that! :)

(Phew! Now that wasn't so hard after all!)

Your info scout and scribe





Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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