[SBB Des Walsh] Emoji Disruption | LinkedIn Endorsements | Pinterest Sells

Published: Fri, 11/27/15

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Emoji Disruption
  • LinkedIn Endorsements
  • Pinterest Sells
Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


Emoji disruption   Santosh Desai

Do you use emojis, those little smiley/frowny etc face images, in social media, emails, text messages and so on? The Oxford Dictionary has chosen one, "tears of joy", as - I'm not making this up - its "word of the year"

Some people are getting quite hot and bothered about the spreading use of emojis, including an argument that having evolved far beyond communicating with pictograms on cave walls we are rapidly regressing, destroying the complexity and nuance of human language as we go.

And there are interpretation issues. Many Australians will have noticed that an apparently serious attempt was made recently at a high political level to embarrass the nation's Foreign Minister over her choice of a particular emoji to represent Russian President Vladimir Putin.

If nothing else, this article should provide some readers with a different conversation starter for holiday gatherings. :)

When I run LinkedIn workshops I can guarantee in advance that at least one person is going to complain early in the piece that they are frustrated and annoyed by the skill endorsements feature. I tell them they can manage those, hiding the ones you don't want, sorting them into the order you want and so on.

Even then, some people stay disgruntled about this feature.

My view is that, properly managed, these endorsements do no harm and, more positively, they might impress some people.

This article suggests they can also help you be found faster by people looking for someone with your skills.

"...a primary reason why the Skills and Endorsements section is important is that there is evidence that you will rank more highly in LinkedIn search results if you have a greater number of endorsements for the skill the recruiter is seeking." (And for "recruiter" read "searcher".)

In terms of intrinsic wholesomeness and marketing crunchiness, I believe this is the biteiest (is that a word?) of this week's bites.

As an only occasional and sporadic user of Pinterest, the article and the stats in it are telling me I need to revisit this platform and see how it can work for my business.

The numbers don’t lie: Pinterest can be a really powerful driver of traffic and big-ticket sales. The average order value of sales coming from Pinterest is $50 – higher than any other major social platform. 

87% of Pinterest users say they have purchased something they discovered while Pinning.

3 success tips, with explanations, are included:
  • Mean Business
  • Get the Pin It Button
  • Be Descriptive
And for those who like me thought Pinterest was used mostly by and for women, the number of male users doubled between 2013 and 2014


Recommendations for Social Business Bites

Here is another recommendation I received for this newsletter. This one is from Collaborative Marketing specialist, Florida based Lamar Morgan.


I enjoy reading Social Business Bites. But I do more than just read the newsletter. I learn and apply what I learn in your newsletter to my business life. For example, I learned about Blab.im from your newsletter. I actively use Blab to spread business networking tips to people around the world and have them share useful information with me.  Thank you for introducing me to a "win-win paradigm."  
I highly recommend folks subscribe to your newsletter - especially if they are interested in moving their business life forward.

Lamar Morgan

Many thanks Lamar. I love the way you put thoughts into action, while some of us might be sitting and thinking, "Hmm, that might be something to try one day." 



Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).