[SBB Des Walsh] Baby Boomers on Social | Employees Telling Your Story | Facebook Live v. Periscope |

Published: Thu, 05/05/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Business Alert  - Baby Boomers on social
  • Enlist your employees as Brand Advocates
  • Periscope vs Facebook Live - David vs Goliath?
Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

I never cease to be amazed that business owners can tell me, straight faced, in 2016, that the reason they have no social media engagement, let alone strategy, is that "our customers are not on it" (yes, they think of social media as a "thing" to be "on" - like a merry go round (carousel) perhaps, and with an implication that social media will be about as useful to them as one of those).

This article gives the lie to that strain of thinking. Sure, the boomers as a group are not and no doubt never will be as engaged with social media as younger generations are, but they are definitely there - or, if you will, "on it". Just watch who's glued to their smartphones now and then ask yourself what do you think they are doing.

Are businesses and marketers too blinded by the shiny new Millennial object to notice the other large generations that are also addicted to their phones and everything happening on them?

A primary aim of any business's social media strategy should be to build brand advocates among customers, industry partners and others. Some would argue that the best resource of potential advocates for your brand are your own employees.

This article, like most I've read on the topic, makes the goal look easy to achieve. My experience is that it's not easy. But it is worth working on (Hint - I can help with a strategy for that. :) )

On an average, the employees of any company have 10x the connections of the brand's official social channels. If companies are able to generate a certain amount of visibility through the social channels they own, it's safe to say that that visibility could be exponentially increased through the addition of their employees' social channels. This is why establishing a good employee advocacy system can deliver significant benefits to a company.

A key point of difference in the tussle between live video streaming services Periscope and Facebook Live has been that you can't save Periscope sessions ("scopes") beyond 24 hours but Facebook Live sessions are saved to your timeline.

But now if you add the hashtag #save to your Periscope scope you can save the session. Whether that will be enough to save Periscope from the Facebook juggernaut is an interesting question.

Meanwhile, analysts say there's probably room for both Periscope and Facebook Live to co-exist.
At the end of the day, “Facebook is for social networks, conversations with your friends,” says Altimeter's (Brian) Solis. “Periscope is about the live web, it’s about what’s happening in the moment, where Facebook is about what are my friends doing.”



(One listener said this interview "just flew". Check it out.)

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)



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