[SBB Des Walsh] Emoji - New Language? | Twitter Eases 140 | Social Media Image Sizes

Published: Thu, 05/26/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Emoji - New Type of Language
  • Twitter Eases 140 Character Limit
  • Social Media Image Sizes Nailed
Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Zohar Lazar

Fully 92 percent of all people online use emoji now, and one-third of them do so daily. On Instagram, nearly half of the posts contain emoji, a trend that began in 2011 when iOS added an emoji keyboard. Rates soared higher when Android followed suit two years later. Emoji are so popular they’re killing off netspeak. The more we use 😊, the less we use LOL and OMG.

Looks like I've been getting it wrong, saying "emojis" - if this article is to be believed the plural, like the singular, is emoji.

More importantly, is the increasing use of emoji the canary in the coalmine of linguistic richness? Does it presage the end of civilization as we know it. Is Armageddon closer than we think?

Evidently not. We can relax and enjoy our emoji-laden exchanges. Or be saddened, or annoyed, or otherwise emotionally affected or engaged, depending on the emoji in question at a particular time on a particular day.

For years we've been told the 140 character limit for tweets makes us more creative. It can also make us seriously frustrated, especially if we want to add an image and/or @names.

Twitter has evidently listened and now we will have more scope to share and engage. It's a progressive rollout so don't expect to see it all at once.

In the coming months we’ll make changes to simplify Tweets including what counts toward your 140 characters, so for instance, @names in replies and media attachments (like photos, GIFs, videos, and polls) will no longer “use up” valuable characters.
We’ll be enabling the Retweet button on your own Tweets, so you can easily Retweet or Quote Tweet yourself when you want to share a new reflection or feel like a really good one went unnoticed.

Trying to keep up with all the changes in image sizes for Facebook, Twitter and the rest is time-consuming and often confusing. For one thing, people post "definitive", "ultimate" lists, but with no date, so you don't know whether the article reflects the latest changes or not.

This article promises all the social media image sizes in one place and continually updated.

What a timesaver! The article contains the link to the Google Docs site where the info is available.

Social media platforms are always being updated, which means they’re constantly changing their profile and cover photo dimensions, layouts, and dimensions for uploaded images. It can be tough to keep track of. And we understand you’re busy; you can’t spend all your time sweeping the internet for information that changes time and time again.

However, high-quality and creative imagery is imperative to your social media marketing success, so it’s important that you know the proper dimensions for each network you use.




Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)



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