[SBB Des Walsh] Grow Periscope with Twitter | Snapchat v Twitter | China Internet control

Published: Thu, 06/02/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • How to grow your Periscope audience
  • Snapchat has more users than Twitter 
  • Great Firewall of China no joke

Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Aaron Agius

Yes, more this week about Periscope! This article provides a simple 5 step process for combing the power of Periscope and Twitter.

Twitter now allows users to view Periscope broadcasts live in their Twitter feeds, giving you exposure to a much wider audience than with the Periscope app alone.


In isolation, Periscope and Twitter are excellent tools for marketers. But together they’re an unstoppable force.

Periscope’s new native Twitter broadcasts give you the chance to reach an audience far bigger than Periscope alone. Follow these steps to get started attracting and engaging this audience.

Snapchat reportedly has more daily users than Twitter. What does that mean for news?

Joseph Lichter

Snapchat now has more active daily users than Twitter, Bloomberg reported Thursday.
Snapchat has 150 million active daily users, up from 110 million in December, Bloomberg reported. Twitter, meanwhile, has less than 140 million.
Even though Snapchat is growing among younger users, Twitter remains a more popular platform for news consumption.

News junkie that I am, I decided this week to take more notice of Snapchat when a respected social media expert who had a year ago been publicly dismissive of the platform said that now he understands it better and has started using Snapchat over Twitter as his day-starting first port of call to check the news.

Sure, the Snapchat user base is still very young, but people said that about Facebook once. In the meantime, as the article says, Twitter still has the edge for news - but not over juggernaut Facebook!

Simon Denyer

Some sobering information - and a map to tell the story quickly.,

If the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, those of us who experience the internet free of (or mostly free of) government censorship should first count ourselves fortunate and then be alert so that such freedom doesn't disappear for us as it has for a third of the world's population and to a lesser extent for many millions more.

The leader in that sorry story of net censorship is China, with its "Great Firewall", a formidable virtual barrier to information sharing. Others similarly severe include - surprise! - Russia, Vietnam, Egypt....

What China calls the “Golden Shield” is a giant mechanism of censorship and surveillance that blocks tens of thousands of websites deemed inimical to the Communist Party’s narrative and control, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and even Instagram.



Expat executive leadership, what keeps business leaders awake at night, the conversations leaders need to have...........  We had no problem filling the half hour with this conversation. As my guest, international leadership coach Padraig O'Sullivan, observed at the time, what else would you expect when you put an O'Sullivan and a Walsh together!


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)



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