[SBB Des Walsh] Fixing the broken link - the China item

Published: Thu, 06/02/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


Fixing the broken link

In this week's issue of Social Business Bites, sent out just under an hour ago, there is a link that does not work - the one for the China Internet censorship item. I tested the link at least three times so I have no idea what went wrong.

Here is the item with a link I have now re-tested. My apologies for any inconvenience.


Simon Denyer

Some sobering information - and a map to tell the story quickly.,

If the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, those of us who experience the internet free of (or mostly free of) government censorship should first count ourselves fortunate and then be alert so that such freedom doesn't disappear for us as it has for a third of the world's population and to a lesser extent for many millions more.

The leader in that sorry story of net censorship is China, with its "Great Firewall", a formidable virtual barrier to information sharing. Others similarly severe include - surprise! - Russia, Vietnam, Egypt....

What China calls the “Golden Shield” is a giant mechanism of censorship and surveillance that blocks tens of thousands of websites deemed inimical to the Communist Party’s narrative and control, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and even Instagram.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)



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