[SBB Des Walsh] Snapchat Complete Guide | Case for Short Form Content | Gen Z & Social Media

Published: Fri, 04/08/16

Social Business Bites - Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week

Plus: link to latest episode of the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.
  • Complete Guide to Snapchat
  • Case for Short Form Content
  • Gen Z and Social Media
And a note on how content is selected for this weekly message.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link


I'm quite keen to try out Snapchat, but I've been held back by not knowing how it works, how to start, what to do etc etc. So I've been looking for a guide. I don't know enough to know whether the title's claim of completeness is justified, but there is certainly enough for me to go on right now.

Sections are:
  • What is Snapchat?
  • Snapchat 101
  • Top tips for brands on Snapchat
  • Recommended accounts to follow

In its rawest form, Snapchat enables us to share temporary, self-destructing photos, videos, and messages (also known as ‘Snaps’). Images and videos will last anywhere from one to ten seconds, and users can embellish each Snap with captions, drawings, and filters.

Once a Snap has been viewed, it’s gone forever.

Though the temporary nature of Snapchat may sound a little strange, when you think about how we interact with each other day-to-day, Snapchat mimics that behavior closer than any other social network...

I've often been told by well-meaning friends that I should write shorter blog posts, as they will be more likely to be read, liked and shared. By shorter they meant from 300 to 500 words. But for the author of this article, which I found quite fascinating and a tad challenging, short form would be double that, i.e. closer to 1,000 words and long form would be in 5,000 word territory.

The article covers, very informatively, four factors that seem to favor short form pieces:
  • Syndication
  • Time
  • Expense
  • Readership
Note that the headline indicates short form beats long form. The article is more nuanced, even-handed and qualified in its conclusions than the headline suggests.

Hmm, just catching up (as much as I can) with Gen Y (Millennials) and their social media preferences, and along comes the next group, Gen Z!

And I had to check, just who qualifies as Gen Z? Wikipedia (of course) to the rescue:

Generation Z (also iGen, Post-Millennials, Centennials, or Plurals) are the cohort of people born after the Millennials. The generation is generally defined with birth years ranging from the mid or late 1990s through the 2010s or starting from the early 2000s.

Key points in the article

Facebook is still the top network for many users; however, it functions as a cornerstone of social media use and not the only destination.... 

More immediate services, like Instagram and Snapchat, are used to keep up with closer friends, particularly at college.... 

YouTube is still a core destination for video for 80 percent of survey respondents.

(Emphases added)

And there is an infographic.


This note is prompted by an experience this week with a link I thought at first would be good to share. It was about podcasting and claimed to be a comprehensive guide to starting a podcast. "Ah", I thought, "that could be of interest to people who are maybe thinking about podcasting".

Then I read the item closely and discovered that it was in my view quite impractical and - worse - loaded with advice to buy unnecessary software. It had no advice about equipment and gave only one option for hosting your audio files (admittedly one of the industry leaders, but still only one). I could go on, but you get the picture and you understand why that article, from a quite respected site, did not make the cut this week and won't make it in any future week.

Which I guess is by way of saying I do try to consider as far as possible how relevant and practical, or at least informative, the items are from your point of view.  And in that vein I will always appreciate any feedback about how I can select better and more effectively from your point of view.



Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)



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