Social Business Bites: Influencer Marketing Strategies | Prisma App | Social Helps T-shirt Business

Published: Fri, 08/05/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Social Media Influencer Marketing Strategies
  • Using the Prisma app
  • Social Media Helps Startup Business Get Profitable, Quickly
Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Tom Whatley

The author of this article acknowledges that some people hate the term "influencer marketing"  but says "building relationships with world-class bloggers, organizational leaders, and public figures works".

He goes on to say:

The problem is, so many people are shouting for the attention of established influencers, it’s hard to cut through the noise. Everyone wants their attention. How do you engage with influential thought and organizational leaders in noisy markets? Here are three advanced techniques that will increase the performance of your influencer marketing efforts. It’s a slow game, but going the extra mile demonstrates your desire to add value.

The article is in three sections
  1. . Sophisticated Targeting for Higher Conversions
  2.  An Agendaless, Multi-Channel Approach
  3.  Surprise and Delight, The Ultimate Attention Grabber
if this is an avenue you might want to explore, there is some very thoughtful, good advice, including some "when they zig, you zag" tips.

You may have seen some odd looking photos of people on the web recently with a reference to Prisma.  Until quite recently the app was available in the Apple Store but not for Android (PlayStore). That has now changed and we can all download it.

Here is the short story.

Prisma has taken off in recent weeks as users have flocked to the app that uses artificial intelligence and neural networks to mimic the painting and drawing styles of famous artists. The app was initially only available for iOS, but an Android version dropped just last week. 

Earlier this month, the founders of Prisma told Mashable that there will also be a video version of the app coming in the not too distant future. And they're also dabbling with a 360-degree immersive version as well. 

Tucker Schreiber

I admit it, the heading for this article looks like the sort of thing you see for get-rich-quick schemes, but what the article presents is a detailed, easily replicable formula for a new online business which could be built from scratch and with an initial outlay of no more than a few hundred dollars. The story is also one of a lot of attention to detail and a lot of hard work.

Why I've included it in Social Business Bites is that it includes detailed information on how the author leveraged social media at various stages from initial market research, through decisions about product, to marketing.

For the past month or so, I have been building a business and documenting the entire process along the way. Everything from coming up with what to sell, to paid advertising, and more.

Today, I’m happy to share the results of that with you. I hope you find some of the details I’ve included in this case study to be valuable to your business, or to inspire you to start one.

As with the previous case study, this business is also being given away! Be sure to read to the bottom of the post to see how you can enter to win this business.


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

Krishna Kumar is a pioneer in the field of Leadership & Executive Coaching in Asia. A Master Coach and Trainer, he has coached Executives, Entrepreneurs and CEOs and works closely with some of the most renowned organisations in India and abroad. We talked about Leadership and Awareness - and ranged across tennis, the boardroom, challenges for leaders of startups, and more.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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