Social Business Bites: How to Write Better Headlines | Hot Topics on Facebook & IG | Facebook Blocks A-Blockers

Published: Sat, 08/13/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • How to Write Better Headlines [Infographic]
  • The Most Discussed Issues on Facebook and Instagram in July 
  • Facebook is Blocking the Ad-Blockers & Proud of It
Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Marina Barayeva

I know a good headline can make all the difference for whether your blog post or article gets read, but I can't say I enjoy the process of creating them. If you share my frustration with this part of the social media game,

I hope you will find this post helpful, as I did. And there is an infographic: I find many infographics good on graphics and lousy on info. This is an exception. Check it out.

Think about how many headlines you read every day while searching online or checking social media. What makes you actually click on the article and read it?

Usually, it's the headline -- which is why it's so important to spend time coming up with a good one.

It's easy to let all of that overwhelm you and just settle for a "good enough" headline.

But that's not how you're going to be able to grow your blog. Before you publish a new post, you need to come up with a compelling headline that catches the reader's eye -- otherwise your post may not get read at all.

Andrew Hutchinson

Whatever product or service we are marketing on social media, who wouldn't like to know what the latest hot topics are, and which demographic groups are discussion them, so as to increase our chances of connecting our activity with the current topics and trends?

So I found this post and the screenshots, highlighting the most discussed topics on Facebook and Instagram in July this year, quite fascinating - and helpful. And it includes some information specific to Canada, Australia and the UK.

Facebook have released their “Hot Topics” report for July, highlighting the most mentioned topics, and which demographic groups were discussing them, across both Facebook and Instagram.

The report provides some great insight for marketers and those looking to generate more engagement - and thus reach - with their Facebook posts. And given Facebook’s latest algorithm update, sparking your readers into action can play a big part in how Facebook determines how many people will see your updates.

Michael Spencer

In this post it is reported that some 200 million people worldwide are using software on their desktops, and around twice that number on mobile devices, to block Facebook ads and Facebook doesn't like it. How do you feel about this latest move by Facebook?

It seems like user choice is cutting too much into the corporate behemoth's profits, as it has been announced Facebook will begin showing ads on the desktop version of the site even to people who use ad-blocking software. 

Wait for it, it's being touted as a way for users to make advertisements more relevant. Just when you started thinking the internet is being run by a few companies like a dictatorship, you are proven right! 


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

According to the World Bank, if the global nonprofit sector were a country it would have the sixteenth largest economy in the world. In 2012 alone the nonprofit sector in the USA delivered $878 billion to the national economy, about 5.4% of the country's GDP. So leadership of nonprofits would be important, wouldn't you think? But there has been little research on that, the research in the field concentrating on the forprofit and government sectors. In this podcast I talk especially about the qualities and skills needed for successful leadership of nonprofits.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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