Social Business Bites: How Facebook News Feed Works | Content Calendar Template | Blogging Benefits & Challenges

Published: Thu, 09/08/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • How Facebook News Feed Works
  • Content Calendar Template - Free
  • Benefits and Challenges of Blogging
Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Another item on the Facebook News Feed. This one provides some practical and manageable advice about how to appear more prominently in the news feed and how to see more of what you do want to see and less of what you don't.

Detailed, informative and with a promise from TechCrunch that they will update the information in this post regularly: so worth bookmarking.

Good value.

And the advice about how to get seen more?

The best tactics for appearing prominently in the News Feed end up being quite straight-forward: share things that are interesting, authentic, and resonate with your audience. That typically means visually compelling media, funny or emotional content, and important news that’s fascinating to a wide audience.

Avoid overly self-promotional spam, dry or long-winged content, and boring looking media that only appeals to a fraction of your audience.

Lindsay Kolowich

This is from February. Although it's not new chronologically it was new for me when I came across it only this week. The article provides a download link for a very well designed spreadsheet based template, available in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel and readily customizable for your particular social media strategy and needs.

It's great to have fresh, even on-the-fly content for our social media engagement, but we all face the reality of too many things to do, not enough time. This tool is definitely worth checking out. And it's free.  

Scrambling for social content is not a new phenomenon. We have meetings. We run late. Things come up. And it's really hard to get any meaningful amount of work done when you have the next social media update looming over your head every 30, 60, or 90 minutes. It all moves so fast that you might periodically feel a case of the vapors coming on, which is why pre-scheduled social media content should be your new best friend.

A few years ago, we created a social media content calendar template to help, which we recently updated to be better, faster, stronger, and just generally prettier. 


Zontee Hou

This is a helpful post, which includes slides with case studies from a webinar, some practical questions and good advice about business blogging.

The author lists 6 benefits of blogging:
  • serve as a content hub
  • showcase thought leadership
  • provide a platform for digital events
  • support customers
  • create connections within your community
  • develop SEO
For B2B businesses, blogging can be a way to showcase expertise and drive readers into the sales funnel. 

For B2C businesses, blogging can showcase products that drive sales. In both cases, the key is to anticipate the customers’ needs and the reasons they’re reading the content.


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

In this podcast episode I talk about how business leaders need to be able to fit expectations and demands about social media into a strategic framework that is a good fit with their overall business strategy and I share a link to my free Social Media Strategy Checklist.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
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