Social Business Bites: Snap These Spectacles? | Facebook Video Problem | Twitter's Suitors

Published: Thu, 09/29/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Snap, Inc. Introduces Spectacles, Sunglasses That Record and Upload Video Memories to SnapChat
  • Facebook’s secret way of counting video views was wrong all along
  • Google and others interested in buying Twitter
​​​​​​​Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Brian Solis

SnapChat officially changed its name to Snap, Inc. as the company restyles itself from a one-[major] hit app company into a digital lifestyle brand. To mark the occasion, Snap, Inc. introduced Spectacles, fashion and tech-forward sunglasses that record 10-second clips, which can then be uploaded to SnapChat Memories via wifi. Following the Apple playbook, Snap, Inc. also designed a fashionable case that doubles as a charger. 

Spectacles will be available this Fall and will cost $130.

I really don't know what to think of this development. It seems the Spectacles are aimed at a younger demographic, some of whom probably spend more than $130 on designer sunglasses. 

How will you know someone is not just looking at you but filming you with these glasses. There will be a light showing on the outside of the glasses. Can I imagine some people getting upset when they see that light? Yes. Just as I imagine some people will be delighted.

Hayley Tsukayama

For years, Facebook has celebrated — boasted, even — about how quickly video advertisements were taking off on the social network. Then, a month ago, the company found something that has let some of the air out of that balloon: an algorithm it was using to tally up how much video people are actually watching was wrong.

Apparently there has been an overestimate of 60-80% of the amount of time people spend watching vidoes. Here's another site that goes into some detail on that.

So my question is, Has the flight to video been prompted or accelerated by dodgy statistics about how much viewing people are doing? And if so, is there hope yet for those of us who are still communicating mainly through text, such as with blogs or newsletters like this?

Matt Brian

In recent months, Twitter has come in for all sorts of criticism over how it runs the company. With growth flat, profits continuing to fall and negative reactions from users over how it's combating harassment on the platform, some have called for a bigger company to step in and help make those troubles go away. According to CNBC, that could well happen, after sources close to the company said that Google, Salesforce and other technology companies are "engaged in conversations" with the social media giant over a possible sale.

Twitter was such fun when it launched. But they've had their problems, not least it seems in how to generate growth. 

At least one of my friends has declared publicly that he has been hoping for an acquisition and has recently bought shares in Twitter in the hope of an acquisition being advantageous for him.

If you are interested in why Google or Salesforce would be interested in buying this company that everyone knows is not tracking so well, I'm pleased to inform you that the pundits are out in strength and by just googling "Why would anyone want to buy Twitter?' you will find no shortage of blog posts and articles on the subject.

Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

In this podcast episode I talk about how business leaders need to be able to fit expectations and demands about social media into a strategic framework that is a good fit with their overall business strategy and I share a link to my free Social Media Strategy Checklist.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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