Social Business Bites: 7 Reasons for a Blog | Facebook Live Taking Over | Slack Living up to Name

Published: Thu, 06/30/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • 7 Ways Blogging Can Boost Your Business
  • Why Facebook Live is Taking Over Livestreaming Video
  • Finally, Slack Is Living Up to Its Name
Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Travis Huff

This is a ("wish I'd written that") really good, succinct argument for having a business blog.

Starting a blog for your website can open up a range of new opportunities for your business, in a range of different ways. When used properly, a blog can help increase awareness, showcase your expertise, answer customer queries and establish your business as the go-to brand in your niche.

Seven ways blogging can boost your business

  1. Improve your website’s SEO
  2. Create credibility with your clients
  3. Create great posts for your social media pages
  4. Showcase how your product (or service) is useful to clients
  5. Help establish brand voice
  6. Keep Google happy
  7. Give you a chance to write a call to action (CTA)

Christine Wilson

Big news on the social media front, if not quite social "business" was the way US Democrat legislators used Periscope and Facebook Live to communicate with the outside world during their Congress sit-in.

I hesitated about using this as I have a policy of not commenting publicly on US politics (tough for a political junkie like me). But important enough as the sit-in story may be, my interest here is in the story about live video streaming and the big story within that story is whether Facebook Live will win.

“Facebook gives more people a voice in the political and legislative processes – and members of Congress broadcasting activity from the House floor using Facebook Live has made it easy for Americans to engage in the debate and make their opinion known,” said a (Facebook) company rep in a Variety article.

Take a moment to appreciate that. Elected officials are using social media livestreaming tools to communicate with the public, during a 1960s-style protest.

These are the times we live in.

But while Periscope is still a contender in the livestreaming video space, Facebook live is killing it right now.

Charley Locke

Are you using Slack? We are, in our small business, and finding it very helpful and extremely easy to use. We're using the free version so I can't comment on the paid version.

This article might alarm some owners of larger businesses (think about the subject line above and the Slack tag line "be less busy") but it highlights the scope for use beyond the confines of an individual business.

Slack markets itself as a tool for the workplace, but the platform has grown far beyond professional use. While Slack aspires to ease communication between coworkers, people increasingly turn to the platform for personal conversations with their spouses, friends, relatives, and fellow Magic: The Gathering enthusiasts. To its own surprise, Slack has become the social network where we spend our workdays.

On Slack, users communicate in one-on-one direct messages or topic-specific chatrooms called channels: #feedback, #sales-operations, #office-book-club, or anything else users create.



Conversation with Dr Steve Barlow, change fitness and change readiness expert. Hear how working with maximum security inmates gave him insights into the psychology of change, which then informed his PhD work and the business he established.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)



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