Social Business Bites: Instagram Tips | Storify Your LinkedIn Profile | Instagram & Selling Psychology

Published: Thu, 11/10/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week

​​​​​​​Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

The Week's Best Bites
  • 4 Ways to Improve Your Instagram Engagement
  • Make Your LinkedIn Profile About Your Unique Story to Stand Out
  • The Psychology Behind Instagram's New Shopping Feature
Yes, that's two items on Instagram. I'm feeling that's the one to watch and to get really good at and I want to learn fast, so expect me to share a few more IG items in coming weeks!

And a link for the free webinar series on the future of coaching where I'll be one of the presenters (my session is on Nov 14, US time).

Plus a correct link for the one I got wrong last week about cleaning up your Twitter account

Note: emphases in the quoted excerpts below are mine

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

This is a short, punchy post with practical advice.

The 4 ways:
  1. Ensure the Presence of a CTA (call to action)
  2. Use Hashtags to Increase Reach
  3. Use Captions to Tell Stories
  4. Get Busy on Instagram
The one I found most interesting was #3 Use Captions to Tell Stories.

Because Instagram is mainly focused on visual content, many users fail to appreciate that you can also leverage text by using it in conjunction with the images.

Yes, this is a post of mine! 

I'm including it because:

  • it's my first guest post for the social selling blog PeopleLinx and just published this week and I'm very happy about that
  • it's on a subject I feel strongly about and if you like the post I hope you will help me spread the message by sharing it.

Most LinkedIn profiles I look at are about facts, marshaled into lists: I had this job, the job had these duties, I had another job after that, the job had these duties…. I have these skills, I have these other skills, I have this university degree, I have this diploma…

Informative no doubt, but if we want people to hire our services or buy our products, or offer us a great business opportunity, where is the attraction in all those facts?

The Psychology Behind Instagram’s New Shopping Feature
Scarlett Ho

I found this article quite fascinating, mainly because, once you have read quickly through the technical stuff about Instagram's new feature, the point is made that, according to the author's research, sellers have only about 20 minutes to get us excited and keep us excited about a potential purchase for us to buy then and there. Forget cooling off periods! Interesting?  Maybe you knew that. I didn't.

Just last week, Instagram rolled out a new shopping feature on its photo-sharing app, bridging the gap between a strictly socializing app of showcasing “filter-perfect” pictures and an online e-commerce shopping experience.


The concept is simple and easy to navigate. By clicking on the link on the company’s bio, users will be directed to another version of the Instagram’s page, where they can “tap to view” products of their liking and look at pricing details and product descriptions. From there, there will be a “Shop Now” button directing them to the company website to purchase the item.


Last week's unclickable item

My apologies, as a helpful reader has pointed out, one of the links last week did not work. For some reason the service I use to send this newsletter keeps corrupting this link. It was for a very helpful article by Neil Patel (always good value) - 6 Tips to Clean Up Your Twitter Account and here is the link which I have tested!

Free Webinar Series on the Future of Coaching

I know this newsletter is primarily about social media but I seek your indulgence to share my excitement about this webinar series November 2-15. I was a founding member of the host, the International Association of Coaching (IAC) and I'm honoured to be joining an array of thought leaders in the field as presenters for this series on the future of coaching.

My session will be on Monday November 14 at 5.30 pm US Pacific time (Tuesday November 15, 12.30 pm Sydney time). I'll be having a conversation with IAC leaders Sali Taylor from New York and Krishna Kumar from Bengaluru, India, about the creation of the IAC Coaching Masteries and possibilities for the future application and evolution of the Masteries. I reckon any coaches or others interested in coaching will find this valuable.

The good news is that attendance is free. The live sessions are being recorded but if you attend the live session you get a chance to ask questions.

A good time to register would be now (not too late!).

If it's not for you and you know any coaches, do them a favour and share the link 

There are no strings! 


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

A globally recognized thought leader in innovation, Annalie Killian’s passion is combining humans and machines in ways that maximise creativity and grow performance and engagement.

She is currently curating a “cloud of human creativity” for sparks & honey, a cultural insights and innovation agency in New York, experimenting with exponential organizational design and reciprocal networks.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).