Social Business Bites: Social Media Glossary | Why Podcast? | Virtual Reality & Leadership Development

Published: Thu, 11/17/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


No extras this week - just your usual 3 crunchy bites & podcast show link

The Week's Best Bites
  • Useful Social Media Glossary
  • Why You Absolutely Must Do a Podcast
  • Virtual Reality...Next Big Thing for Leadership Development?
​​​​​​​Link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

By Dara Fontein

A lot can change in a year, especially in the world of social media. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the terms and slang used with the introduction of new technologies and platforms, so we decided it was time to update our Social Media Glossary. Like previous editions of the glossary, this is a living document that will continue to grow as we add more terms and expand our definitions.

As in all fields of knowledge and human activity, social media has its fair share of jargon - some might say more than its fair share. Some glossaries for social media are a waste of space, but this one from Hootsuite is worth bookmarking, maybe copying into Evernote or some such, where you can easily access it so you don't have to ask "What do you mean by 'Twitter Canoe'?" or "F4F", or "Dark Social". Maybe not all the useful definitions are here, but 226 is a good start.

By James Altucher

James Altucher writes brilliantly and even if you have no intention of or desire to start a podcast I think you might enjoy the sheer verve of this post. It starts with some wise advice that is apparently at odds with the subject line.

There’s 400,000 podcasts. The world doesn’t need another interview podcast. Don’t do a podcast if you have nothing to say.

I agree with all of that.

In fact, every day when I wake up I ask myself, “Should I continue to do my podcast?"

If you can’t create impact on yourself (which will lead to impact on others), then give up. NOW.

Dr Richard Carter

When Facebook buys a virtual reality headset company (Oculus) for $2 Billion and their famous COO Sheryl Sandberg (author of Lean In) has to hose down speculation about how rapidly virtual reality will become a major income stream for them, you know virtual reality has arrived.

Everyone from NGOs like Amnesty International, games designers and filmmakers are using virtual reality to build support for social causes. And the evidence suggests it's working because it generates empathy – the missing link to move people from cognitive ‘concern’ to emotional ‘action’.

This article is not new but I am as convinced as I can be that everyday professional uses of virtual reality, for example as in this article for leadership development, are coming faster than most of us might think.

Expect some more Social Business Bites on virtual reality/augmented reality as we go along. Especially after I've reviewed in the coming week the new book The Fourth Transformation: How Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything, by Shel Israel and Robert Scoble, about which (the book and the subject) I am very excited. I'll try and keep the review objective!


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

A globally recognized thought leader in innovation, Annalie Killian’s passion is combining humans and machines in ways that maximise creativity and grow performance and engagement.

​​​​​​​She is currently curating a “cloud of human creativity” for sparks & honey, a cultural insights and innovation agency in New York, experimenting with exponential organizational design and reciprocal networks.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).