Social Business Bites: Social Media Update 2016 | Facebook B2B Case Studies | LinkedIn New Desktop Design

Published: Thu, 11/24/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week, starting with the gold of another Pew Internet Center report on the state of the social media landscape.

Also some big changes with the LinkedIn desktop design.
  • Social Media Update 2016
  • 6 Surprising B2B Facebook Marketing Case Studies
  • LinkedIn's New Desktop Design

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Social Media Update 2016
Shannon Greenwood, Andrew Perrin and Maeve Duggan

The overriding story in this statistical update by highly respected Pew Research Center (Internet, Science & Tech) is stated succinctly in the sub heading for the article:

Facebook usage and engagement is on the rise, while adoption of other platforms holds steady.

There is so much juicy information and insight in this report that it is hard to select a sample, but try this (or better still,click through and read the article with its excellent graphs!):

...Facebook remains the most popular social media platform, with its users visiting the site more regularly than users of other social media sites. Roughly three-quarters (76%) of Facebook users report that they visit the site daily (55% visit several times a day, and 22% visit about once per day). This represents a modest but statistically significant increase from the 70% of Facebook users who indicated that they visited the site daily in 2015.

Brian Carter

We have found that Facebook is a viable (and sometimes preferred) channel for B2B lead gen

We've all heard, read, or seen on television stories of amazing success individuals and brands have had with Facebook, but when you look closer most or all seem to be about Business to Consumer (B2C). Finding case studies or success stories in the realm of Facebook for Business to Business (B2B) is a whole lot harder.

So while the piece linked and quoted from here is a bit thin, it is helpful in that:

  • it provides 6 actual case studies (if I were being purist I'd call them success stories, but let's not quibble)
  • it provides a checklist of 7 things to do to be successful with using Facebook for B2B
The key to success? Provide "awesome distractions".

Mark Williams

This item is longer than I intended, but it's about a watershed moment for LinkedIn and if you use the platform it's important you know what's happening.

UK based recruitment and LinkedIn specialist Mark William's recent podcast episode on changes to LinkedIn's desktop design lists in the shownotes 17 features that have either disappeared for Basic (free) members, or may in one or two cases just be a bit bug-ridden at the moment. The shownotes go into detail on each of the features that are going or bug-affected.

Mark's pithy summary of the situation as this new desktop design rolls out is:
  • LinkedIn are unifying the mobile and desktop user interfaces (UIs)
  • Recruiters & sales professionals are targeted as members who should upgrade to premium
  • The focus of the design is to encourage more activity
  • This is a massive gamble by LinkedIn!
Two pieces of advice prompted by this item and related recommendations from other LinkedIn experts, and one challenge (third item below) form me:

  • Copy and save any information you have in your LinkedIn profile under Additional Information (because that's one of the features that's earmarked for the chop)
  • if you are not a recruiter or job seeker, or LinkedIn coach or trainer and have a Premium (paid) membership, ask yourself what value you are getting from that financial commitment


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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