Social Business Bites: Fourth Transformation Review | FB 'Creative Hub' Platform | WeChat: All-in-One Application |

Published: Fri, 12/02/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Fourth Transformation Review  
  • FB 'Creative Hub' Platform Open to Al
  • WeChat: All-in-One Application 

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Michael Markman

This is a must-read book. The sub-title is "How Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Change Everything". The authors, Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, are friends but I would be plugging it anyway: it is so good and so timely.

I'd hoped to have had my own review ready to announce in this newsletter, but I'm lagging on that and the book launches next week. This review is excellent.

The future that Scoble and Israel are predicting (or, more properly, reporting) represents the most radical advance of digital technology since the development of the computer. It’s a future, they argue, that will transform not just our devices, but us and our world. Their sub-title promises it will change everything. Everything. I don’t think that’s hyperbole. The stories they tell are both breathtaking and mind-blowing.
The book is so full of fascinating information and stories, and so brilliantly written, that you could use it for holiday reading and feel very well informed as well. It is an exhilarating book in its promise of technological progress and also a tad scary - the longest chapter is "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?": answer, lots! But it is overall optimistic.

WeChat is big in China. I have the WeChat app on my Android phone but have not used it yet and have had little incentive to use it, apart from one friend in India asking if I had it on my phone.

I'm including this link mainly because the post provides an overview of the application and some detail on the various features. 

In the United States, some of the biggest social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and more. WeChat may not seem like a major application for users in the U.S. in comparison, but it is currently the most used application in China. It has more than 800 million monthly active users (MAU) and is aiming to become the central application with the functions of the many different social media applications.

I haven't used this Creative Hub feature from Facebook yet, but I intend to find out more about it. Looks like a real gift to small businesses wanting to advertise, or already advertising, on Facebook

Quote from Facebook: “[Creative Hub is] a sandbox where agencies can play with different ad formats for online and mobile and experiment with what works best. Most ad creation happens on desktop but is experienced on mobile. ...”

Sounds pretty cool, right? But it was only for agencies, everyday advertisers had no access.

Until now.

This week, Facebook has announced that Creative Hub is now open “to the entire global advertising and marketing community”. And as outlined above, it is a pretty handy and helpful tool.

Last Week's Bites

I'm thinking last week's Thanksgiving festivities may have been more enticing than reading Social Business Bites - I wonder why! :) -  for anyone who missed it, for whatever reason or none, here is the link.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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