Social Business Bites: Social Media Guide for 2017 | Snapchat Revolutionizing Social Media | Russia Blocks LinkedIn |

Published: Thu, 12/08/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week, plus a new book review
  • Ultimate business guide for using social media in 2017
  • While We Weren’t Looking, Snapchat Revolutionized Social Networks
  • Russia orders internet providers to block LinkedIn

My own review of the new Shel Israel & Robert Scoble book, The Fourth Transformation

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Steve Tappin

I'm always wary of articles and blog posts that declare themselves to be the "ultimate" guide to one or other area of expertise, but sometimes the content, while not necessarily qualifying as "ultimate", can be very good and very helpful. 

As it the case here, with this "ultimate" business social media guide.

In spite of its being rather dogmatic and prescriptive where some room for individual company flexibility should be allowed for (Snapchat for all companies? I don't think so - at least not right now, but see next item), it is still worth reading and reflecting on what each of us could be doing, or doing better.

CEOs and businesses need to be on social media because social media is no longer a thing that some people have and some people don't, it's now how we communicate. 

With 2.3bn active users, social media has immense power. It wasn't made for businesses and marketers but we've highjacked it and are capitalising from it. 

Farhad Manjoo

I have this sneaking feeling that I am being drawn inexorably, albeit reluctantly, to try my hand at the photo-messaging and story telling app Snapchat.

Yes, I'm one of those people who, when talking about social platforms, go along with jokes of the "Of course, I'm not on Snapchat" variety. But the reality is I am on Snapchat, just haven't got around to using it. I'm thinking that needs to change.

This NY Times article is the most serious one I've noticed so far about Snapchat.

If you secretly harbor the idea that Snapchat is frivolous or somehow a fad, it’s time to re-examine your certainties. In fact, in various large and small ways, Snap has quietly become one of the world’s most innovative and influential consumer technology companies.

Snap, which is based far outside the Silicon Valley bubble, in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles, is pushing radically new ideas about how humans should interact with computers

James Titcomb

Russia's social media Iron Curtain?

On the basis of a Russian judge's decision and action by that nation's communications regulator, LinkedIn has just lost some 6 million members.

It appears there is no guarantee other social media companies won't be similarly affected, if they are storing personal data outside Russia.

When this action became imminent, I contacted my handful of Russia-based LinkedIn contacts and gave them some other ways to contact me.Only one replied and he was quite comfortable with the decision and the reasoning behind it.

It seems to me the bigger picture is there is nothing technical stopping other countries from doing some selective or blanket banning of specific social network platforms. Even democratic countries????

Russia has ordered internet providers in the country to block access to LinkedIn after the professional social network was found to violate data laws.

Technology companies operating in Russia are forced to store data about Russian citizens on servers in the country, and a court ruled last week that LinkedIn's failure to do this should lead to it being banned.

The Review
Des Walsh

Readers who get this far might say "What's this?! Groundhog Day? Didn't we have a link last week to a review of this book?" And they/you would be right. There was a link to such a review.

The difference is that this is my review, so I am exercising editorial prerogative. :)

Actually, I believe this is one of the most important books for any decision-maker to read, right now.  

The new book from Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, The Fourth Transformation: How Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Change Everything, is at once exhilarating and scary.

Exhilarating in that it tells a story of a world changed extraordinarily, with the promise of amazing advances in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), in the very near future – think a 10 year span at most – bringing radical changes in the way we do business, in how we manage our health or have it managed, in education, in leisure activities.

Scary because there is dark potential in this otherwise bright story of innovation and technological progress.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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