Social Business Bites: Why Start a Podcast - Now? | More on the Twitter Sale | Cause-related Marketing

Published: Thu, 10/06/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • A Few Very Good Reasons Why You Should Start a Podcast...Now
  • Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff -Why He Might Want to Buy Twitter
  • Praising Customers for Ethical Purchases Can Backfire
​​​​​​​Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Glenn Leibowitz

This is a very good article, drawing on an interview with a man highly respected in the social media world, Brian Clark.

It explains why interest in podcasting is growing and - very interestingly for me - why this is very relevant for anyone wanting now or in future to engage with the Millennial generation.

Brian Clark is a legendary figure in the content marketing space. He's the founder of Copyblogger, the world's most widely followed website on content marketing, with half a million subscribers.

He's also the CEO of Rainmaker Digital, the company he formed in 2010 through the merger of several successful companies he had built over the years.
In the Spring of 2015, Brian and his partners saw the podcasting trend accelerating, so they decided to launch not one podcast, but an entire network of podcasts catering to the different sub-audiences among their massive audience.

Matthew Ingram

I know I shared on the Twitter Sale story last week, but this article provides some interesting insights  from Marc Benioff, Salesforce CEO.

He’s not saying he will buy it, but he’s definitely interested.

Salesforce chief executive Marc Benioff may want to talk about all the great things his company is doing in the enterprise software market, but the only thing most of the media wants to ask him is whether he plans to make a bid for Twitter.

It's been a great ride for and with Twitter, but is it over?

Google and Disney were interested, it seems, in buying Twitter, but dropped out. Saleforce is not out of the game but not committed. 

Uncertain times.

Another example of why I advise people never to put all their marketing eggs into one social media basket (platform)

Maryam Kouchaki and Ata Jami

I found this article, and the message in the headline, startling and a slightly shocking. But the article and the research results it draws on, is persuasive.

The buzz phrases are "cause-related marketing" or "corporate societal marketing" and the latter must be official because it has its own acronym CSR (although for Australians that could be confusing, given there's a major building products of that name).

Part of the story, which you really need to get to the end to pick up, is along the lines that if your company does "social good" or philanthropy, giving your company praise might be better for earning customer respect than praising the customers for their goodness in buying your products/services. Counter-intuitive? I thought so.

Alongside corporate philanthropy which reached $18.5 billion in 2015, companies have been spending more on cause-related marketing—it reached about $2 billion dollars in 2016. But if firms want to actually encourage more positive social behavior, they need to highlight consumers’ commitment to a cause and ask for their continuous support (“help us continue to do this”), rather than praise people for their contributions (“you did help us to do this”).


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

Conversation with Sheila Scarborough, principal of Tourism Currents, social media specialist and former US Navy officer. We covered a range of topics, including social media leadership for tourism, challenges in transitioning from the military to solopreneurship, virtual reality and what that indicates for the future of tourism, and some very practical advice for social media for business.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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