Social Business Bites: Facebook Workplace | Social Media Image Sizes Guide | Government Agency Nails Social

Published: Wed, 10/12/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week

​​​​​​​Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

The Week's Best Bites
  • Facebook Workplace Launched
  • Social Media Image Sizes 2016
  • Government Agency Uses Social Media for Great Customer Service

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Davey Alba

One in four people on Earth use Facebook to connect with friends and family. But Mark Zuckerberg and company really want all those people to use the social network for office chatter, too.

This morning (Oct 10), at an event in London, the company formally released Facebook Workplace, a service designed specifically for business communication.

As the article points out, this Facebook move is part of a bigger trend, the development of business apps that look and work like consumer apps. Serious competition, if not now, soon, it seems, for the likes of Yammer , Slack, Jive - maybe even IBM's Connections?

Lauren Nelson

According to Hubspot, 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text is. In effect, this means that whether on your website or on your social media platforms, the images that represent your brand have a much greater impact on your audience than anything else.

If the social media platforms didn't keep changing their layouts we would not have to worry much about how the images looked on our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other accounts. But they do keep changing and we do have to adjust.

Also, given the high proportion of users who access our social media profiles on mobile phones, it's essential to check and see how our images come up on the mobile version of the various platforms. I've seen what looked to me like very expensive composite images on the desktop that were confusing and largely unreadable on my phone. For mobile, less is more. 

TSA - customer service?

Look what wonders social media, used right, can weave!

Seriously, the whole article is worth reading to see how they went about this. And the following para is gold!

TSA’s staffing model for social customer service is unique – and corporations should take note. The team uses a rotating group of TSA employees on “detail assignments” – that is, this isn’t their permanent job. The result is a unique mix of “very diverse backgrounds”, including airport officers, trainers, federal air marshals, and global strategists. “They all bring different expertise to our team and are able to help customers in a better way,” says Plozai. Each employee completes a four-week training program which focuses on social media, customer service, and combining the two.


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

Conversation with Sheila Scarborough, principal of Tourism Currents, social media specialist and former US Navy officer. We covered a range of topics, including social media leadership for tourism, challenges in transitioning from the military to solopreneurship, virtual reality and what that indicates for the future of tourism, and some very practical advice for social media for business.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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