Social Business Bites: Immersive Environments | Email Marketing in 2017 | Facebook Tests Ads in Groups |

Published: Fri, 10/21/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week

​​​​​​​Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

The Week's Best Bites
  • Immersive Environments and Social Media - and a Definitional Conundrum
  • Email Marketing in 2017
  • Facebook Tests Ads in Groups
Note: emphases in the quoted excerpts are mine

And meet this week's Featured Reader, Shirley George Frazier

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Royal Frasier

The future is already here, but there is much more to come in terms of more fully immersive environments. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) will proliferate in digital spaces, taking us from a two-dimensional interface to three-dimensional virtual spaces. But once these virtual and augmented environments are ubiquitous, what will we do, how will we react and what new things will we learn?
The perception of VR is that it’s anti-social. Can we expect to see social, virtual experiences?

The story, not just here but in some recent conversations I've had, seems to be that the hope in terms of social (so it seems not too much of a stretch to justify including the item here by taking that to include social media) is in MR - mixed reality. But in at least one conversation I was told that we don't need the term MR because that's really just AR (Augmented Reality) by another name. It seems the terms are being used interchangeably. If that's not right, or has changed, please let me know.

Amy Nielsen

Any marketer knows that getting email right, let alone understanding the mechanics behind it, is one of the most difficult parts of the job. That said, email works. If you’re unsure about that, take Tom Klein’s word for it. He’s the CMO of MailChimp after all. It walks and talks when it comes to email marketing, having sent 36 million of its own marketing emails in June alone. To understand more about this sticky subject, open the following insights from Mr. Klein in your mental inbox and file under “important.”

Three things jumped out at me from this article:
  • email marketing is not going away any time soon
  • It's possible to do email marketing better (and I should learn and apply!)
  • the connection with social media is tenuous but there are things we can do to make both work better

Josh Constine

Facebook’s latest trick to earn more revenue without drowning the News Feed is to serve ads to the 1 billion users of its Groups feature. After people reported seeing notices that “We’re testing ads in Groups,” TechCrunch inquired and Facebook confirmed that mobile and desktop versions of Groups in Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand are part of the trial.

The article goes on to say that Facebook sees itself reaching maximum ad load in the News Feed by mid 2017, so it's understandable it's looking around for other ways of providing further revenue growth. Groups are a logical place to look.

I guess as the Groups are still free we can't really complain, can we?

​​​​​​​Featured Reader: Shirley George Frazier

"Deep in my genes is devotion for and about everything that fits into the entrepreneurship umbrella and how it impacts our business and personal successes.

"I'm the author of multiple best-selling books on business startup, marketing, and gift industry practices; a speaker on the same topics at trade shows and conferences throughout the U.S. (worldwide is coming); and a avid traveler, chocolate lover, and mom to an adult daughter and twin Yorkshire Terriers.

"My  Business Statement: Color outside of the lines and upend every stone as you pursue goals, dreams, and aspirations."

Follow/connect with Shirley: Facebook  LinkedIn  Twitter 


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

Conversation with Sheila Scarborough, principal of Tourism Currents, social media specialist and former US Navy officer. We covered a range of topics, including social media leadership for tourism, challenges in transitioning from the military to solopreneurship, virtual reality and what that indicates for the future of tourism, and some very practical advice for social media for business.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
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