Social Business Bites: Increase Your Facebook Engagement | Influencer Marketing | LinkedIn Tips

Published: Thu, 10/27/16

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week

​​​​​​​Plus: link to latest episode of my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

The Week's Best Bites
  • 10 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Engagement
  • Influencer Marketing Tips 
  • How to Get LinkedIn Company Page Followers
And a heads up for an upcoming free webinar series on the future of coaching where I'll be one of the presenters.

Note: emphases in the quoted excerpts are mine

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Mari Smith

Mari Smith is definitely the world's go-to expert on Facebook, so when she speaks or writes about the platform,those of us who know this sit up and take notice. By the way, if you want to keep up, check out and like her Facebook page

Do you wish more people interacted with your Facebook posts?

Looking to improve your Facebook news feed exposure?

The more likes, comments, and shares you have on your page posts, the more likely your Facebook content will be seen.

In this article, you’ll discover 10 ways to increase engagement on your Facebook business page posts


Heike Young

The term "influencer marketing" gets tossed around a lot. I suspect it's one of those phrases that we all think we understand but - speaking for myself - having to explain it confidently might be a challenge. This article explains, says it's the thing to watch (and do?) for 2017 and also offers some good tips for using influencer marketing. 

Influencer marketing is when companies partner with digital influencers to reach a broader, more relevant audience. This is most common on social channels like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, as well as on influencers' personal websites and blogs.

The gold in the article is towards the end, with a link to another article by influencer marketing expert, my friend Brian Solis, with a download link (like Russian dolls, this, isn't it?) to his free report titled Influencer Marketing Manifesto

Tim Priebus

One of the advantages of having your own audience online is the fact that they’ve essentially asked you to stay in communication with them. But where traditional advertising like print ads let you use their audience, with online marketing you have to build your own audience.

Here’s a very specific tactic we’ve seen work on LinkedIn Company Pages.

The Company Page feature in LinkedIn is often under-utilized and it's usually a bit of a mystery to people other than those who get more seriously into using LinkedIn. But as the quote above indicates, it's another way to build an audience who have made a deliberate choice to hear from you. And don't be put off by it's being called a "company page" - it's really a brand page and if you wish you can have more than one.

In the interest of openness, I have to note that this article is by no means new (Feb 2015) but the stats and tips made me take a fresh look and I thought it worth sharing. 

Free Webinar Series on the Future of Coaching

I know this newsletter is primarily about social media but I seek your indulgence to share my excitement about this webinar series November 2-15. I was a founding member of the host, the International Association of Coaching and I'm honoured to be joining an array of thought leaders in the field as presenters for this series on the future of coaching.

The good news is that attendance is free. The limitation is only 100 attendees for each webinar. So a good time to register would be now.

If it's not for you and you know any coaches, do them a favour and share the link 

There are no strings! 


Latest Episode from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show

Conversation with Sheila Scarborough, principal of Tourism Currents, social media specialist and former US Navy officer. We covered a range of topics, including social media leadership for tourism, challenges in transitioning from the military to solopreneurship, virtual reality and what that indicates for the future of tourism, and some very practical advice for social media for business.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).