Social Business Bites: Video the New Blogging | Website Design & Inbound Marketing | Facebook's New Jobs Feature

Published: Thu, 02/23/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • New Research Shows Video is the New Blogging
  • 4 Website Design Choices to Boost Your Inbound Marketing
  • Is Facebook's New Job Posting Feature a Game Changer?

Plus my new group on Facebook, the Coffee Break Network and how to join us for fun and profit.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Jay Baer

As an author, it breaks my heart, but we are entering the “no-read” era.1
Every year, I think there is no possible way online video consumption can climb again, but it does. And finally, content marketers are catching up to the consumption trend.

Research shows businesses creating 18 new videos a month - that's a respectable blogging rate.

As you'll gather from first sentence of the excerpt above, this article is no tub-thumping exercise by a video marketer, but rather a thoughtful commentary on some recent research findings, and written by a blogger - i.e. one who uses words, and Jay is one of the best at that - 

Not too long, worth the read.

Bob Carver

Should the site have more pages or fewer? Should it be an interactive experience for anyone who visits? How much menu navigation should there be versus on page navigation? ...................

Your website should help people find you, explain how you can help them and help turn those visitors into leads or even customers.

If you are not contemplating a website overhaul or update any time soon, at least make sure you bookmark this article for when you do.

This author draws on the recent experience of his company doing an overhaul of its website. I'm in the middle of doing some website refreshing and I found the article helpful with that.

The author presents and explains in some detail a set of principles or "design choices" to guide the process:
  • Design your website to attract visitors
  • Make messaging clear
  • More pages provide more inbound opportunities
  • Focus navigation to help people discover what you do

Steve Ward

And once again, Facebook is trying out recruitment services. Makes sense, there are lots of open jobs in the world, lots of people willing to change jobs, and Facebook has a lot of users. Why wouldn't they?

So it's happening. Is it innovative cutting edge stuff? No. You can post jobs there. Oh really? But I can do that in a gazillion places already, where job-seeking is a commonplace activity.

After reading a few articles on Facebook's new jobs posting feature I was wondering whether this was going to threaten LinkedIn's hold on the online recruiting sector.

This article, rather snarky in tone as you might gather from the excerpt above, should be reassuring for any business using LinkedIn for recruiting for professional services and for individual candidates in the market, at least for higher paid professional positions.

As one commenter on the article puts is with elegant economy:

LinkedIn = Weekdays, Facebook = Weekend.

In other words, Facebook could be useful for lower paid, hourly rate jobs, but for professional, fulltime positions, LinkedIn is still boss of the walk.


My New Group on Facebook - the Coffee Break Network
As I mentioned last week, I've started a new group on Facebook, spam free, dedicated to intelligent conversation about business. The Coffee Break Network (tea drinkers also welcome!). We now have over 50 members - and growing

A sharing community discussing business – ethical, profitable, part of a balanced life.
  • Relishing conversation without pitching
  • Prioritizing conversation and relationships
  • Building relationships one at a time
  • Cooperative not competitive
  • Encouraging referrals
  • Encouraging and facilitating virtual coffee (or tea) meetups between individuals
  • Spam free, hustle free zone
  • Ask and get questions answered in a trusted environment
  • Providing opportunities to share challenges and successes
Oh, and fun!

If you haven't already joined us, here is the link.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).