Social Business Bites: Too many selfies on social ? | Your political views on social | Minimalist content strategy

Published: Thu, 03/02/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • People want fewer selfies on social media - from others!
  • Sharing your political views on social media
  • A minimalist approach to content strategy

Plus my new group on Facebook, the Coffee Break Network and how to join us for fun and profit.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Dan Misener

The sub title of this article sums up the story.

People view own selfies as authentic and self-ironic but other people's as inauthentic, study suggests

The study provides an amusing and instructive insight into human behavior.

Approximately one in every three photos taken these days is a selfie. 
Google estimates Android users take 93 million selfies a day. But despite their popularity, new research suggests most people wish there were fewer selfies online.

Social media is exploding with political discussion these days, and we’ve all read the stories about employees being fired for something they posted on their personal social media accounts. Are you putting your job at risk by sharing political opinions on social media? How far can you go without attracting the wrong kind of attention from your employer or customers?

The law, at least, is on the side of free speech.

I found this a very interesting article, especially in view of what I've observed friends and colleagues sharing on social media in recent months, with a focus on US politics.

My own practice is to comment very rarely on politics on social media, not because I think it would hurt my business, more because I see little of nuanced, mutually respectful discussion and have no desire to be wasting my time with verbal jousting, convincing no one. But that's me. I am fascinated with the theater of politics but I'm mainly on social media to do business better.

The author goes into some detail about how human resources managers handle, or could handle this issue, with social media policies being a natural, but not always complete solution to corporate dilemmas in this space.

At the end of the article she provide nine tips as guidance for businesses and individuals. They are quite good as far as they go.

A caveat for non US readers. The sentence "The law, at least, is ont he side of free speech". Well, not necessarily. For instance, we have no equivalent in Australia to the First Amendment.

Jacob Warwick

This is a long article but a good one. If you are too busy right now to read it all, I suggest bookmarking it for when you next review your content management/content marketing strategy.

In December of 2016, an average of over two million blog posts were created each day on the WordPress platform alone. 10 years ago, that number was approximately 60,000 a day.
Let that sink in for a moment. That’s a heck of a lot of content scaling exponentially with our tech-obsessed society. When you consider that much of this content is not original, lacks deep thought, or is entirely irrelevant and filled with self-promotion, that number can become aggravating and is considered in the marketing industry to be “noise.”

The short version of the author's solution might go something like this:
  • Quality content beats quantity in the medium to long term
  • You need strategy as well as tactics
  • Take your time to get better content

New Group on Facebook - the Coffee Break Network
As I mentioned last week and the week before, I've started a new group on Facebook, spam free, dedicated to intelligent conversation about business. The Coffee Break Network (tea drinkers also welcome!). We now have over 60 members - and growing.

A sharing community discussing business – ethical, profitable, part of a balanced life.
  • Relishing conversation without pitching
  • Prioritizing conversation and relationships
  • Building relationships one at a time
  • Cooperative not competitive
  • Encouraging referrals
  • Encouraging and facilitating virtual coffee (or tea) meetups between individuals
  • Spam free, hustle free zone
  • Ask and get questions answered in a trusted environment
  • Providing opportunities to share challenges and successes
Oh, and fun!

If you haven't already joined us, here is the link


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).