Social Business Bites: Lessons about Social Media Marketing | Reputation Management | Reddit for Business?

Published: Thu, 03/30/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Lessons from Social Media Marketing World 2017
  • Reputation is Everything, What's Your Everything?
  • How to use Reddit - for consumers and business owners
Plus  a link to my latest podcast episode - yes, I've finally got my podcast show moving again!

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Dan Gingiss

Social Media Marketing World, held annually in San Diego, is a highly reputable and successful event, featuring well-regarded social media experts and influencers.

Dan Gingiss provides a concise, 8 point list of what he learned at this year's event (Feb 28 - Mar 2).I found each of his eight points helpful. 

I'm thinking getting to next year's event might be a worthwhile goal to have!

(Michael) Stelzner called social media the "fastest-changing industry on the planet" in his opening keynote, and it does seem that there is a new marketing opportunity – advertising unit, targeting ability, video capability – nearly every week.

Marketers need to hang on tight for the perpetually bumpy ride, but still enjoy the exhilaration that comes with always learning something new.

Daniel Burrus

Organizations as diverse as Samsung and Wells Fargo can attest to the fact that reputation is everything.        

And with the explosive proliferation of social media, reputation is only going to become more important. As a prevalent saying goes, you’re only one Tweet or Facebook post away from a public relations nightmare.

Be warned, this article is not a breeze to read. In fact, I found it a bit ponderous, and at times pompous. At the same time, it does outline a strategy for reputation management in relation to social media. The author clearly believes we can create and implement a strategy better by hiring his firm, but you don't need that to get the essential drift.

And those who do not have a horde of minions at our beck and call to create and manage the reputation management strategy will have to do some adjusting on the details of getting a strategy clear and implementing it. (Or you could hire me. :))

Braveen Kumar

Following an enquiry from a client, I'm on a learning curve about the Reddit platform and how it can be used for business.

I had not previously given consideration to that, and a few years back I had been shocked and saddened by sad fate of Sunil Tripathi, the innocent victim of the Boston Marathon bombers "witch hunt" conducted on Reddit: Tripathi went missing then his body was found in the river, with "no suspicious circumstances": to their credit, and unusually for them, Reddit apologized. 

Anyway, now I'm curious and learning. If you can shed some light for me on how Reddit can help business, I'm all ears.

This article was a good start. Not a short read, but a good one.

For Redditors (as its users are called), it's a good way to keep your finger on the pulse of the internet, participate in open discussions around shared interests, get answers from highly engaged niche communities, and, of course, perpetuate memes.

Let's Talk Leadership Podcast Show: Latest Episode

Donna Karlin is a global leadership coach. She works with senior-level clients on six continents: N. America, S. America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. She is a coach and mentor to TED Fellows, a Founding Fellow at Harvard Institute of Coaching, McLean Medical School, creator of the Shadow Coaching® Methodology, an international speaker and award-winning author. We talk about the No Ceiling, Just Sky™ Institute she is launching officially at the end of this month.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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