Social Business Bites: A Human Content Machine | Tip on LinkedIn Change | New Instagram Feature

Published: Thu, 01/05/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • How Does Gary V Produce So Much Content?
  • A Helpful Tip on a LinkedIn Change
  • Instagram's New "Saved Posts" Feature
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Plus, a podcast where I get to be the guest.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Happy New Year!

I knew my decision to take some time out over Christmas - New Year for some reading and general relaxing had worked when, late last Friday I realised what day it was and I'd missed doing a Social Business Bites for the week!

The email, Messenger and phone ran hot with calls about that - I wish! :)

Someone said to me just before Christmas "You're always so optimistic!", and I said "Why not?"  I think it beats the alternative. So I trust that you too are feeling energized and optimistic for the year ahead.

My thanks to regular readers for sticking around for more juicy bites. And welcome to new readers.


Cole Feldman

If you are looking for some inspiration on social business for this new year we are in, you need to watch the video linked from this post. I would go so far as to say that if you don't click through to anything else in this issue of Social Business Bites (yes, even including the one where I get interviewed for a podcast), do check this one out. Language alert - Gary is known for dropping a few words not supposed to be used in polite company but in the video here he is quite mild, for him!

Gary Vaynerchuk is not everyone's cup of tea but he is a force of nature, a generous sharer, a very successful social business player and an inspirer of many. I had the good fortune to see him in action close up in Las Vegas several years ago.

The video here is a formula for business success and I am looking at working now on my own version of what he is recommending.

Lately I’ve been addicted to DailyVee, a video series documenting every day in the life of entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk -- this guy’s mind works 10 times faster than anybody else I’ve learned from. Just watching his keynotes and responses to questions. The guy has one mode: go.

John White

This is about publishing to LinkedIn's Pulse platform.

Are you writing articles on LinkedIn? While the reach is not what it once was in 2014 and 2015, LinkedIn Pulse remains a prominent place for independent writers to gain visibility and expose the world to their ideas.

When you publish your article goes out to an undisclosed portion of your network that LinkedIn deems to be a "strong connection." Beyond that, it's up to you to market your posts to a wider audience.

You have to read through most of this post to get to the juicy bit, the "subtle change" referred to in the heading.

It's about how to get the attention of LinkedIn Pulse editors now, which is different from what used to be the way and is still apparently, and sadly, being used by some. 

Tanya Dua  (via Mari Smith)

The Instagram vs Pinterest contest hots up!

In mid December Instagram unveiled a bookmark feature called “Saved Posts”, allowing users to save posts they’d like to revisit later.

...saved posts turn Instagram from a browsing tool into a curation tool, a move that puts Instagram squarely in Pinterest’s territory. The move may seem relatively benign, said Jill Sherman, svp of social strategy at DigitasLBi, but Instagram is clearly encroaching on one of Pinterest’s most coveted features with this move.

“People go to Instagram for discovery and inspiration, so this is a logical feature to implement,” she said. “A brand post that used to have a 30-second shelf-life potentially has a three-month shelf-life — maybe even longer.”


Podcast where I got to be the guest

This was a change of pace, with me on the other side of the podcast conversation, being interviewed in this instance by local entrepreneur Ronsley Vaz.

We covered:
  • My podcasting journey
  • The idea behind my Let's Talk Leadership podcast
  • Why I chose podcasting as a medium
  • How much LinkedIn has changed over the years
  • The importance of social media in extending your reach and building relationships with people
  • How LinkedIn is related to my business
  • The ROI involved in podcasting
  • The important things to consider when starting your own podcast
  • Why it’s good to get a podcasting service
  • Things that I wish I learned before starting my podcast
  • Common mistakes that a new podcaster can avoid
  • My top pieces of advice for someone thinking of starting a podcast

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).