Social Business Bites: Go Live on Twitter | Social Media Stats for B2B | Repurposing Old Content |

Published: Thu, 01/12/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Go Live on Twitter (I did!)
  • Social Media Stats and What They Mean for B2B Companies
  • Tips for Re-purposing Old Content
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​And in case you missed it last time, a podcast where I get to be the guest.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

I've been hesitating far too long about communicating via live video streaming.

What if I get it wrong? How can I get the right lighting? How will I look and should I stay with faceless podcasting?

And so on - all the excuses for not taking action.

Then I watched a video where Gary Vaynerchuk blew all those excuses and any others I could think of out of the water.

But what's made the difference for me is how easy it is now and realising that worrying about "looking professional" is just another feeble excuse for not taking action.
And now I'm hooked! Not just with GoLive on Twitter, but with Facebook Live - but more about that next week.

Twitter GoLive, with streaming via Periscope, is as easy as falling off a log.

Starting today, you can create and Tweet live video from the Twitter app, powered by Periscope. To go live, compose a Tweet, then tap “LIVE” which brings you to pre-broadcast screen where you can frame your shot. When you’re ready, press “Go Live” to start broadcasting.

My latest live broadcast on Twitter GoLive is at this link

Radha Giri

At Midas Touch, we specialize in B2B social media. We work with B2B companies to help them with their social media, digital and content marketing strategy and execution. I, therefore, very curiously and enthusiastically read various stats and quotes around #B2BSocialMedia.

Here I have picked up 10 such stats and let me take this opportunity to talk through each of these and what these mean for B2B businesses.

I usually baulk at reading posts with hyperbolic subject lines but fortunately I was not put off this one by the description of some statistics as "mind-blowing".

The statistics are certainly fascinating, the author's commentary is succinct, perceptive and persuasive and if your business is B2B I commend the post especially to you.

A couple of examples of the stats included and commented upon:
  • 80% of all B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn
  • 94 percent of B2B buyers conduct some form of online research before purchasing a business product

Neil Patel

Here are some great tips for anyone who ever experiences bloggers's block, or any other other obstacles to social media content creation. Neil Patel, no slouch in the department of savvy ways to use social media, excels himself with this piece. You're sure to find at least one and maybe more of his techniques/tips helpful.

So many marketers finish a piece of content and never touch it again. But why do that when you can get so much mileage out of one piece of content? That’s the power of repurposing content.

It’s a lot like creating passive income. You do the hard work once, and you

continue to reap the benefits.

With repurposing content, it’s the same idea. You create a piece of content once and then use it in a bunch of different ways. That means less work and more results. 


Podcast where I got to be the guest

This was a change of pace, with me on the other side of the podcast conversation, being interviewed in this instance by local entrepreneur Ronsley Vaz.

We covered:
  • My podcasting journey
  • The idea behind my Let's Talk Leadership podcast
  • Why I chose podcasting as a medium
  • How much LinkedIn has changed over the years
  • The importance of social media in extending your reach and building relationships with people
  • How LinkedIn is related to my business
  • The ROI involved in podcasting
  • The important things to consider when starting your own podcast
  • Why it’s good to get a podcasting service
  • Things that I wish I learned before starting my podcast
  • Common mistakes that a new podcaster can avoid
  • My top pieces of advice for someone thinking of starting a podcast

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).