Social Business Bites: Digital 2017 Global Overview | Taking Stock of Snap | YouTube's New Chat Feature

Published: Thu, 01/26/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Digital in 2017 Global Overview
  • Taking Stock of Snap/Snapchat
  • YouTube Rolls Out a Chat Feature

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

We Are Social + Hootsuite

I'm serving the best wine of the week first here. This item is chock full of information.

The visual people among our readers will surely love this as it's a slide show with great graphics. There are 107 slides so you might want to make a coffee or tea or choose another suitable beverage and settle in. Some fascinating info here that should help all of us be better informed for the year ahead.

And have an abundance of "Did you know?" stats to drop into dinner party conversations when there's a lag - or maybe not. 

It’s been another year of exceptional growth across all things digital, and our 2017 Global Digital reports herald some particularly important milestones. The most exciting of these milestones is that more than half of the world’s population now uses the internet, with more than 3.75 billion people online today. Internet use continues to grow all over the world, with global users up 8% year-on-year.

An increasing share of online activity takes place on mobile, with more than half of all web traffic now going to mobile phones. The number of social media users across the globe grew by more than 20% over the past 12 months, with well over one-third of the world’s population now using social media every month. 

I really do try to keep up with developments at Snap/Snap. chatNot that its main demographic of Millennials and Gen-Z are my target market, but mainly so that I can be helpful to clients who do have those generations in their marketing sights.

I did find this article informative, although I'm still not sure I understand the jargon of "Millennials are also overindexed on social media..." Overindexed? Can you help me out with that?!

Better than any other app, Snapchat has captured millennials and Gen-Z. There are several reasons for this. For one, it’s a mobile-native app. You can’t send a snap on desktop and these generations have little interest in doing that since the smartphone is their primary computing device (one out of five millennials don’t even use a desktop).

Millennials are also overindexed on social media, and now crave privacy and the sense of a one-on-one connection.

Messaging apps have risen in popularity and even overtaken social networks in usage, and Snapchat is riding (or even driving) that wave — 70 percent of its user base is millennials.

Karol Severin

Did we really need this? Yet another chat/messaging service?

I'll just be the bearer of these tidings: the author thinks it's A Good Thing. You be the judge.

After months of testing, YouTube is rolling out its chat feature. It launched Wednesday in Canada only for now, with other countries to follow.

In the escalating war of big tech companies to establish Mobile Life Ecosystems and serve as many needs of consumers’ digital lives as possible, messaging has been a struggle in Google’s journey. The flop of Google+ marked missing the social and mobile messaging train.

In the meantime, the likes of Messenger, iMessage, Snapchat and Whatsapp captured hundreds of millions of users, leaving Google under the threat of missing ownership of a digital communication channel, where mobile consumers currently congregate the most.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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