Social Business Bites: Google Recipe Search | Editing Tweets? Maybe | Language & the Machine

Published: Thu, 02/02/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Google's New Recipe Search Function
  • Twitter May Allow Tweets to be Edited
  • Language and the Machine

Plus the latest podcast

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Andrew Hutchinson

Google has today announced a new option in their app called ‘Recipe Search’ which provides an additional range of options to refine and hone in your results.

At the basic level, this article is one for foodies and those who want a new or varied taste sensation.  But there is a bigger story underlying this, about the way various platforms are, shall we say, "picking up"on innovations by competitors. The comparison here is with Pinterest's Guided Search.

With this new app, when you are searching for a particular recipe, you will see a "carousel"of suggestions, with pictures. I don't have the feature on my Android phone yet, but the article includes this illustration.

Michelle Hummel

At the end of 2016, Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey used his account to solicit feedback from users about the changes and improvements they want to see over the next year. Not surprisingly, being able to edit tweets is a request that came up quite a lot.

Ever had an "Oh no!" moment shortly after you've posted a tweet and seen your "fat finger" result or other annoying or embarrassing mistake and wished you could correct it? I know I have, more than once.

Well, now it seems our wish might be about to be answered. Apparently there were some technical issues in just how Twitter might go about this but it appears we might be getting a 5 minute window to edit our tweets and "de-blooperize"or otherwise improve them.

Toby Daniels

When people first encounter Amy, they’re impressed. Her employers call her the dream personal assistant — saving hours of work each day. Many describe her as kind and empathetic. It’s for these reasons that some people forget she isn’t human.

Amy, as you might have guessed, is a robotic personal assistant, a version of "chatbot". It (she?) has been developed by the company .

This is a longish article and I found it a bit disjointed - and a bit of a promo for Social Media Week (the author is CEO of that) - but worth the read in that it does touch on quite a few important issues to do with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on business, relationships with customers, how companies communicate with employees and so on. 


Latest Podcast from the Let's Talk Leadership Show 

As with all levels of government, business can be helped or hindered but government policies and decisions. Mostly in the media we hear about Federal and State government, but with the demise of local newspapers, less and less, it seems to me, about local government.

So I enjoyed very much the opportunity to interview this visionary leader, Councillor Hermann Vorster, from our local Gold Coast City Council, where he chairs the Economic Development and Major Events Committee. I know at least one reader who will be interested to hear what Councillor Vorster has to say about local leadership and about innovation (he is a self-confessed geek but speaks plain English!)


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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