Social Business Bites: 33 Ways to Get Content Ideas | Facebook's Scary (?) Emotion Patents | The Hater Dater App

Published: Thu, 06/08/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 juicy bites this week. If you want something to smile about, make sure you read the third item. 

Juicy bites are:
  • 33 Ways to Discover Content Marketing Ideas
  • Facebook's Patents for Detecting Our Emotions
  • Hater Dater - a "What's the World Coming to?" App
Plus some info about my Laser Coaching service.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Barry Feldman

If you are a tad - or even very - sceptical about blog posts that offer long lists of ideas for creating content for online marketing, I'm sure you are not alone. I've been quite disappointed with many posts or articles of the kind.

Not this one. This is an excellent list of resources that are freely available, at our fingertips so to speak.

On completing my reading of this post my dominant thought was "OK Des, now you have no excuse for being so slack about your blog posting!"

I hope you find the list as helpful and action-prompting as I have.

Stories like this make me wonder whether there is any limit of privacy invasion to which Mr Zuckerberg and his merry men and women won't go, and sadly my answer is no. I may be wrong, but this latest patent caper seems to support my pessimism. 

We (CB Insights) took a look at some of Facebook’s emotion-based patents to understand how the company is thinking about capturing and responding to people’s emotional reactions, which has been a tricky area for consumer tech companies but key to their future.

Eish Sumra

Hater, a four-month-old dating app, takes the idea of swiping to a new level: by matching potential love interests based on common dislikes. You, too, can find someone who is equally incensed by cargo shorts or can't stand Game of Thrones.

It's not quite as weird/crass as it seems - I think. I read somewhere it's the No. 1 lifestyle app in Germany - whatever that tells us. URL is, yes,


Could my laser coaching service help your business, or that of someone you know?

Are you finding it a challenge to get really clear on a business or career opportunity?

That's not unusual.

Laser coaching is designed to help you get the resolution you need.

Laser coaching works on the principle that there is a truth in every situation, a truth that may not always be obvious. Laser coaching brings that truth to the surface and supports the process of facing it square on, and then deciding on appropriate action.

After a laser coaching session with me, business coach ​​​​​​​Marla Tabaka said this: 

In a single, thirty-minute conversation, Des redirected some concerns I had about my business model, introduced me to several valuable resources, and brought clarity to an issue that I’ve been struggling with for months. Yes, all of this in thirty-minutes!

If you are ready to get the clarity you need to be able to take decisive action, check out my laser coaching service at this link.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).